Chapter Thirty Nine(Amera)

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Making the decision to come back to my home,was one of the hardest decisions, I had to make in my life,even harder than when I had decided to leave,because this time I was leaving my heart there,but I waited for Drew to come back to me,and he never did,he said I wasn't worth it and he never forth for me.

I know I was wrong, when I told him to 'get out and don't come back' but I was angry and hurt he was with his wife when I was being assaulted, I know it not his fault or was his responsibility to me,but at the time with being hurt and everything that had happened, I wasn't in a good place and needed someone to blame and time to heal.

"But eventually I realized my mistake,but it was to late,I missed him,and I need him,but he wasn't there and he never came back,he told me he will always come back to me but he didn't, and I can't blame him for it, it's all my fault, I waited and waited but when I realized he wasn't coming back to me I couldn't stay there the pain was unbearable.

I had to leave I couldn't stay there and watch him with his family because even though I wasn't working in the office, I would still have to be there for meeting and I will see him and I won't be able to coup with seeing him and not being with him.

Leaving was my only choice, Jason came to visit me before I left,I had to tell him because he was my boss,and I wanted to keep my job even though I was moving.He told me,I was making a mistake by leaving, also told me to talk to Drew,because Drew and Layla wasn't together anymore and that he and Layla were giving there relationship a chance.

I told him I was happy for him,but I also told him,If Drew really wanted to be with me there was nothing holding him back,but he never came to me that means he doesn't want to be with me,he meant it when he said I wasn't worth it.

Being back home,is different, than when I live here,because I don't consider it home anymore,home to me is were Drew is,if he were to come here now six months after we went our separate ways,I will beg him to forgive me,and plead with her to never leave me again.

I'm nothing without him,I yen for him,my heart aches for him it's like my hearts have this burning sensation that never goes away and I know they same time heals all wounds, but the wound in my heart is to wrecked to be heal.

Love is the most beautiful, broken thing in this world,, it's scare you beyond repair leaving you a withered mess,no one would ever heal the hole Drew left in my heart, and I don't want anyone too,sometimes the pains warms me,because I know it's my love for him that gives me the pain.

I have been staying here,the past six months, Krish got sent back to jail over here,and I don't want anything thing from him,even though he said in court he wants me to have everything he owns, I don't want anything from him.

Me and my mom has been staying at Timmy's  because she had already sell her home and was about to move where I was.I haven't decided if I'm going to purchase a place here as yet,because I haven't felt  I'm home,home is were the heart is right.

Today makes one year since the day I was assaulted, and it also makes two years since I met Drew in person,Rihanna has a little get together tonight,just to celebrate me being here,I told her,it's wasn't a good idea, but Rihanna being Rihanna, does her own thing.

Answering Jason's call .

"Hello boss how are you?"

"Hi sweetheart how are you?"

"I'm good now done work,I send you the files did you receive it?"

"Oh I  haven't check my files as yet."

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