Chapter five (Amera)

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I wake up as I hear the continuous ringing of my phone, as I pick it up I see the face of my bestfriend Timmy,he has been my best friend since I were eleven and him thirteen, we meet at after school classes and have been friends ever since.

Timmy is not as tall as Mr.Hawke ,he about a feet and a half taller than me, lean with black hair and dark eyes almost as black, he's is married to Rihanna, that's his wife and he has a thirteen year old daughter Sameera.

He is a very quiet serious guy who only talk when needed too which is so different than his wife who's talk none stop.

Rihanna his wife is a very beautiful woman about five inches taller than me , she has pixie cut hair and wiskey colour eyes.

Both of them runs their own business which deal with buying and selling properties.

"Hello" I says I answer the phone.

"Hi you still sleeping? Did I wake you up?I forgot there's a three hour time difference ?"

"Hi its ok had to get up anyway."

"Didn't called last night was worry about you."

"By the time I came home and Mr Hawke finish giving me the tour of the the house I got in the tub and soak lost track of time didn't want to call you so late."

"I was waking you should have call it would have make me sleep better hearing from you."

"Next time I will just everything is so different here and I am getting adapted to being on my own."

"I don't hear from you know I get worried ,it's the first time in twenty years we are separated and you on your own there, how is the house?"

"It's really nice ,my bedroom is beautiful and there's a tub like yours in the shower."

"You mean like the one you brought to put in your shower but your husband got drunk took a hammer to it because you love it and was so excited to install it."

"Yeah" did you hear from him?"

"He came wanted to know where you went was cursing and making one set of threats, Sameera heard him she came out he got quiet,  know how he plays Saint for sameera ."

"She loves him he's always loving to her."

"yeah I know, that's her dada to her and you never wanted to taint his image to her,she is asking lots of questions she is thirteen and you know how intelligent she is."

"What did you tell her."

"We told her, bits of it ,she didn't want to believe, said her dada is to loving and caring to do those things, but since you gone everyday he has been here and calling the phone like crazy so she's seeing him differently,she is scared of him,I told him when he came yesterday he's scaring her, haven't been back since."

"That's good if he continues I will go to the police."

"Just be careful you know he good with the police."

"Don't worry I will see bout it."

"Let me talk to mom"

"Hold on she's right here"

Mom has been staying at their house until I can bring her here, it's just the two of us my dad died five years ago she has been staying on her own, but I asked her to stay there because I know what my husband is capable off.

"Hi sweetheart how are you? Everything good there?"

"yes mom, I good ,how are you feeling taking your meds?"

"Yes I taking my tablets ,and I feeling good , sameera keeping me company she even watch my soaps with me.

To say my moms obsessed with Indian soaps is an understatement, she watches  Imile ,barriers bahu,tapki pyar ki and so many other I can't name and she never misses and episode.

" Mom you corrupting Sameera with those drama ."

"Na she like d drama."

"sweetheart take your tablets to, did you get any short breathing?"

I have short breathe where I am gapping for breathe the doctor said that it's bad anxiety,I don't want to tell her I got it this morning before I went to the office she will just worry more than she already worrying.

"No mom  I ent get any since in the plane  I good, don't worry yourself I ok."

"Ok if anything call us."

"love you "

"love you to mom takecare"

"Takecare "

Hi " Timmy says as he comes back on the phone.

" Don't worry mom is safe here "

"I wouldn't trust anyone with her you know that, she always says you are her son and you always calls her mom."

"She's my second mom you know that."

"Ok babes I will let you go I know you have to organize for work."

"I am working from home today but have to get everything organized in the office downstairs."

"Ok takecare be safe and love you."

"Love you too,send my love to Rihanna and sameera tell Rihanna I will call her during the day."

"I will bye."


As I hang up the phone I got out of bed ,brush my teeth took a shower, make up my bed because everything has to be organized, then head downstairs .

I enter the kitchen made a cup of tea,I don't drink coffee, if I do I won't be able to sleep also don't like the taste, then head to the office in the house.

Mr.Hawke Call me last nite and inform that he had forgotten to show me it so here I'm checking it out.

As I open the door,  it's a small room that has a computer some work accessories and a leather couch at the side, it's looks very Warm and comfy.

I get behind the desk start up the computer and loss my self to other day of work.

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