Chapter 8

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Pixar checked themself in the window of the coffee shop before going in. There were butterflies in their bulb as they caught sight of Dreamworks. They nervously straightened out their sweater as Dreamworks waved them over. 

"Hey Pixar!" She said cheerily as they sat down across from her. They were sitting in a cozy booth up against the window. 

"Hi!" Pixar replied, "how have things been?" 

Dreamworks sighed as she smiled, "It's been busy but I love our company." Pixar smiled back in understanding. "But how about you?" Dreamworks asked, scanning the menu, "I know your first job in the corporate world isn't easy." 

Pixar also picked up their menu, glancing over the edge of it as they said, "Yeah, it hasn't been easy at all." They sighed as the waiter came up to their table. The waiter looked a little nervous as they took their orders, but Pixar brushed it off as their first day on the job. Dreamworks looked back to Pixar expectantly. They continued with what they were saying, "I never realized how many meeting there were and how boring some of them can be." 

Dreamworks nodded along sympathetically, "and don't even get me started on the workload." Dreamworks raised an eyebrow, "Workload?" She asked, "Aren't you only a secretary?" Pixar tilted their head in confusion as the waiter came back, shakily placing their drinks on the table. 

"Yeah, I have a whole stack of paperwork I have to get through," Pixar replied, taking a sip of their coffee. 

Dreamworks frowned, "Honey, I think Disney's giving you some of his own workload." Pixar froze, her frustration with Disney rising to the surface. 

"I can't believe that asshole!" They exclaimed, before realizing where they were and who they were speaking to. They shrunk back into their seat before Dreamworks laid a hand on theirs which was gripping their drink a little too tightly. Pixar relaxed their grip as they looked back up at Dreamworks. 

She smiled at them and said, "It's alright, I get it." Pixar smiled back. "I actually used to work for Disney myself," she sighed, letting go of Pixar's hand. 

Pixar's bulb flickered in disbelief, "What!?" 

Dreamworks laughed at their response, "Ridiculous, I know." Pixar was too stunned to speak. "I get what you're talking about, that's actually why I created my own company," she explained, taking a sip of her coffee, "and I did it while making it communist." Pixar didn't know much about communism, but they knew it was the opposite of Capitalism. And that's all they really needed to know that they liked it.
Disney was fuming as he sat in the employee break room of the cafe. He had used his connections to get in and place listening devices on Dreamworks and Pixar's drinks. At first he wasn't completely sure what Dreamworks' goal was, but now it was obvious. She was only looking for a new communist comrade for her company. He grumbled to himself as he listened to Dreamworks talk about her company before the waiter he had blackmailed came in. 

"Uhm, Mr. Disney, sir?" He asked as he trembled in the doorway. 

Disney ripped off his headset in frustration before grumbling, "What?

The waiter gulped before stuttering," T-the, uhm, i-it's 12:30, sir." Disney smiled before packing up his computer. 

As he passed the trembling waiter, he patted them on the back and said, "Keep your mouth shut about this, and your My Little Pony addiction stays between the two of us." Disney heard them let out a large sigh as he left, letting him know that his secret was safe. He walked into the seating area of the cafe and made a beeline towards the booth that Dreamworks and Pixar were in. By the time he got to them, they had moved on from their previous conversation, and had begun talking about Gnomeo and Juliet. He smiled down at Pixar who checked their phone to see that they had indeed finished they lunch break. Pixar looked back at Dreamworks who was staring icily at Disney. 

"I'm so sorry, my lunch is over so I have to go," Pixar apologized as they got up. Dreamworks' expression completely thawed as she turn to Pixar. 

"Oh, you're all good," she laughed as she got up, "I need to return to my team as well," she added more icily as she turned back to Disney. 

"Let's go, Pixar," Disney simply said, ignoring Dreamworks completely. 

"Before you go," Dreamworks quickly said, making Disney pause, "here's my card. You can reach out to me anytime." Disney watched bitterly as Pixar grabbed the car from Dreamworks hand. He also noticed how Pixar's bulb was slightly pink as they both walked out of the cafe. 

"I'll talk to you at the office," Disney said warningly, before getting into his car. As he drove back to the office, he smiled. He had the perfect punishment for Pixar.

50 Shades of Mouse- a Disney x Pixar fanficWhere stories live. Discover now