Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Everything was going according to plan. Pixar fell for his lie about the Warner Brothers, The Lorax and Barry were wrapped around his finger, and soon the freeform jazz would finish the job. He was so content he had to stop himself from rubbing his hands together evilly. But there was something off. Wasn't Pixar supposed to be batting their eyes at him or making conversation? Despite his plan's execution, it didn't feel as if it was working. It didn't help he was practically vibrating with nervousness, so he decided to start the conversation. "So! How was college?" He asked awkwardly. Pixar looked over at him with slight confusion but answered anyway, "It was... ok." Disney nodded, glancing at the stage in hopes that the jazz would start soon. Thankfully, the question worked and Pixar asked, "So, how did you end up becoming the CEO?" Disney relaxed a bit at the easy question, "Ah, well my father started the company, so I was pretty much raised to take over," he began, regaining his confidence, "although, I had to overthrow him as he was running the company into the ground." Pixar nodded along with slight interest, making Disney feel a bit better. Maybe the plan was working!
Pixar had to stop themself from smiling as Disney acted like a flustered schoolboy. He was obviously treating this like a date, not having the courage to ask them out head on. It was just cute at this point. As Disney spoke, they were glad the night wouldn't be too boring. Soon the two were served their food. Pixar thanked the waiter while Disney shooed them off like one of his own employees. Pixar rolled their eyes at his behavior but began eating anyway. As they ate, Pixar could feel Disney somehow becoming more antsy. And when the stage lit up, Pixar could almost hear Disney sigh with relief. The Lorax himself walked onto the stage, clarinet in hand as other band members circled around him. Pixar could've sworn they saw him glare in their direction for a second before getting into the freeform jazz mood. As they began playing, Pixar almost felt hypnotized by the music. The notes flowed so effortlessly they felt they were swimming through them. They were getting so lost in it all until they felt Disney slide his hand over theirs. Pixar looked over to Disney who was giving his best rizz face. And that snapped Pixar out of it all. He was using the hypnotizing ecstasy of freeform jazz to woo them! Pixar's lamp scrunched up in disgust before they grabbed their things and rushed out of the lounge. Outside, it had begun raining heavily, but that didn't stop Pixar. They continued to speed walk over to the parking lot, beginning to hear Disney calling after them. But Pixar merely ignored him until he grabbed their hand. Pixar whipped around angrily before they saw the vulnerable look in his eyes. "Please, just hear me out," he pleaded, not letting go of their hand. Pixar simply nodded their head and Disney let out a sigh. "I'm sorry I tried to hypnotize you with the wonderful sounds of freeform jazz," he apologized, looking down at his feet. "But the truth is I really REALLY like you, and I just wanted you to like me back," he said, making Pixar's bulb flush slightly pink. "So, i brought you here, but now I see how stupid I really was and..." Disney kept speaking as he looked up at Pixar. But Pixar was entranced by Disney in this state. His cheeks glowing pink with embarrassment, soaked with rain as the silvery moon shown in his face. And without a warning, Pixar cupped his cheek and kissed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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