Chapter 10

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Hey guys! This kind of a sad chapter towards the end so I've balanced it out with some fluff from Disney and our official cover that was done by a close friend of mine. Enjoy!

Disney and Pixar rushed out of the studio as they heard Adam walking toward the door. Disney grabbed Pixar's hand, leading them out of the door and up against the wall. They breathed heavily at the rush of adrenaline as they waited for the coast to be clear. After a minute of silence, Pixar started to laugh. Disney froze at the sound. The sound of laughter usually enraged him. If his workers were laughing, that usually meant they weren't working. But the sound of Pixar's laughter gave him a warm feeling inside. He looked over at them to see that they were bent over with laughter. His eyes widened before he started to laugh too. Pixar looked over at him, sending a shot of electricity through him at how beautiful they looked while smiling.

"I never would have thought," Pixar said while catching their breath, "that Adam Sandler and Woody would be having an affair!?" Pixar doubled over again as they began another laughing fit. Disney started laughing too as he realized just how absurd the whole situation was. He couldn't remember the last time he had laughed this hard, ever. But his laughter was cut short when a security officer walked down the hallway. He quickly recomposed himself before clearing his throat to get Pixar's attention. They thankfully got the hint and straightened up, coughing a bit from how much they were laughing. Disney smoothed his suit as he began walking back to his office with Pixar following close behind. He felt embarrassed that someone had caught him in that kind of state but couldn't bring himself to regret the experience. He glanced back at Pixar who's bulb was slightly flushed from their laughter but kept their head down to prevent another laughing fit. He smiled slightly to himself as they continued back to his office.


The rest of the day, Pixar couldn't help but notice how much looser Disney was around them. He was as strict with his requests and his whole demeanor was more relaxed as they worked silently in the office. They even thought about him on their way to, and at, home. Even as they were putting together their Mac and cheese, they thought about him, almost burning their meal. As they sat down with a frustrated sigh, their phone started ringing. They checked the caller ID and froze when they saw their father's name. Steve Jobs. They took a deep breath and slid their Mac and cheese to the side before answering the phone.

"Hello, father," they said in an emotionless tone.

Steve didn't bother with a greeting of his own as he said, "How is your job going?"

Pixar fought the indignation rising in them as they replied, "Well."

Steve immediately replied with, "and how much money should I be expecting this week?"

Pixar ignored their sadness before replying "$100."

Steve hummed in approval, but before he could rudely hang up on Pixar like he had so many times before, they asked, "May I ask you a question, father?"

Steve paused for a second before responding, "Yes."

Pixar sighed silently in relief before asking, "May I please wait until next month to start my payments so that I may stabilize myself?" Steve was silent again, only making Pixar's nervousness worse.

"Did Apple need a break when he was starting out?"

Pixar's bulb flushed pink in embarrassment before replying quietly, "No." And with that Steve Jobs hung up. Pixar put the phone down slowly as tears welled into their eyes. Wiping them away, they pulled their Mac and cheese back and ate it quietly.

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