Chapter 11

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Are Disney and Pixar finally admitting to themselves they have feelings for each other? 👀

Disney's heart was pounding as he waited in his office. Ever since the last day, he couldn't stop thinking about how Pixar made him feel. His immediate instinct was to get as far away from them as possible. But another, almost as powerful, part of him wanted to spend every waking moment with them at the same time. So instead of choosing either, he decided to do nothing. He tried to begin working once he got to the office, but whenever he tried, he would end up looking at the door every few seconds to see if Pixar would walk through them. Disney had begun to wonder if time really was moving slower when Pixar finally walked in. He immediately stood up, stopping them in their tracks.

"Good morning, sir," they said hesitantly. Disney immediately sat back down and turned his computer on, trying to act like that didn't just happen. As he pulled up his emails, he was heavily aware of Pixar walking over to and sitting down at their desk. He pretended to be responding to emails when Pixar walked over to his desk. He looked up slowly at them as they said, "You have a meeting in five minutes, sir." He nodded awkwardly before heading to the door, holding it open for Pixar. They hesitated but ended up going through the door anyway. On his way after them, Disney mentally slapped himself. What happened to his commitment to the capitalist lifestyle!? This was going to be a long day.
Pixar stood behind Disney during their last meeting of the day. The entire day, Disney had been acting extremely weird. One moment he was being kind to them and the next he was rude. They didn't know what to make of it, so they just played along with whatever he did. It didn't help that their dinner meeting was in just a few hours. Pixar was pulled out of their thoughts as the meeting came to a close. Disney got up and exited, completely ignoring Pixar's existence. Pixar huffed in annoyance before following him back to their office. Disney sat at his desk, looking at something on his phone. Pixar checked their watch before saying, "Our reservation is in an hour, sir." Disney stopped what he was doing before checking his own watch.

"Shit," he muttered before looking up at Pixar. "Uuuuuhm," he said, obviously forgetting they had a meeting that night.

Pixar rubbed their bulb with frustration before saying, "I'll head home to get ready and then I'll meet you there."

They looked at Disney expectantly as he finally composed himself and replied, "yes, that will work." Pixar picked up their stuff and walked out of the office. Once they got in their car they reflected on the day and Disney's ridiculous behavior.

They smiled to themselves as they started up the engine, "what an idiot," they said thoughtfully before pulling out of the parking lot.

50 Shades of Mouse- a Disney x Pixar fanficWhere stories live. Discover now