Amiera - The Free Order Chapter 11

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She continued onward with her men, taking their time on the uneven road that was plastered with misshapened stones on one side, and thick black mud on the other. Large trees sat on both sides of the road, with one in particular being taller and wider than the rest. Purple leaves shined from the overhanging branches that covered the majority of the trees surrounding them. When the sun was in the midst of setting, it made every grain of silver look even more beautiful as it laid scattered all around. She stopped there, near the enormous tree, to take rest as night approached. The men was immediately setting up camp, even making a bonfire in the centre of all the tents, where they roasted corns of all size. She didn't bother joining them yet, instead she found herself walking a few yards away. When she arrived at the great white tree, she pierces a small hole into it, watching a purple substance leak out. She licks it as it was pouring out; she was shocked to find that the substance carried no taste nor smell.

"Do you want to try it?" she asked Drustan, sensing his presence behind her.

"This species of tree's use to be sacred to Night Dwellers," he told her. "Your husband's family slayed them some hundred years ago. "Every tree in this land was filled with this type of tree, until the Kremwald's destroyed it all."

"I don't believe in fairy tales," she said, smiling.

"It's not a fairy tale, Your Grace," one of the Kremwald men told her, he was a boy no older than fourteen. He was tall and a bit chubby. "My grandfather saw them, beings that were bat-like. These trees were their main food source, when they were gone they had no choice but to feed on blood. The one's who fed on humans can no longer turn back into their human appearance."

"What's your name soldier?" she asked.

"Garrett," he replied, giving a bow. "Your Grace."

"What else do you know?" she asked, leaning up against the tree, while also taking notice of Drustan who was now walking away, heading back toward the bonfire.

"I know that Valtray has more monsters living in castles than they do in forest," he joked.

"Who does that comment imply?"

"If I say, you'd have me hang?" he assured her.

"I won't," she confesses. "I need some honesty."

"Your Lord husband," he told her. "He's cruel for not loving you the way that you should be loved."

"And you know how?" she asked, with a smile upon her face.

"I might have an idea."

She said nothing back, she left him there, walking toward the fire. She took a seat next to Drustan, listening to one of the men singing as another played a lute. They sang in a foreign language, that sounded old but soothing. Garrett, sat next to the singer, staring at the princess from the opposite side. Light blue eyes glimmered with the reflection of the flames, her grey eyes met his glance. When the singer was done singing his song, all the men looked to Garrett urging him on to tell them a story; one, his grandfather had once shared.

"Before men claimed these lands, before monsters called it home, Valtray belonged to the first people, Elementals. These folks had the ability to control matter. There are few houses today who carry traces of these great beings, but none possess the gift. Before they were even dragons to fight men wars, Elementals were called to action. When monsters became scarce, a nasty rumor spread. Elementals weren't born with their abilities they say, they learned them. The Kings of old, tortured the men to reveal their secrets. They imprisoned them and then they killed them. The remaining few were hunted down, their blood were made into pudding. It was said to have given the Kings a taste of their power, if only temporarily. In the end, it was proven that Elementals are born with their gifts, it cannot be taught nor can it be stolen."

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