Amiera - An Old Face Chapter 15

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Days upon days, they rode on the road. Amiera sat opposite Drustan, she was coiled up with her head between her legs. The sun heated the bars that sat at the back of the wagon, leaving a series of lines upon her back. The wagon struck every hole on purpose, riding over every stone they saw. Euric grinned at every bump they took inside the metal cage.

"Can we at least have something to drink?" asked Drustan, clutching the iron bars. "If you intend to make this deal with Kaelan work, you'll be needing Amiera in perfect health."

Euric stopped at once when he heard the comment. He raises his hand into the air, ceasing his men to stop where they were. He hopped of his horse, handing his sack of wine through the bars. Drustan grabbed hold of it, taking a few mouthfuls in before raising Amiera's head. Her gaze fell upon the wine sack, her face no longer swollen. She drank from the sack, finishing the little it had. Drustan passes his finger upon the scar that formed across her face. it was a thin strip of pink.

"It's healing up nicely," he said, with a hint of a smile.

"What's your plan?" Amiera asked, shifting her head toward Euric, her voice was soft. "Do you think a deal with Kaelan would work?"

"It has too," Euric confessed, taking back the sack. "Kaelan started a war for you, he will meet my demands."

"What happens when he refuses?" Drustan asked.

"We'll kill him," said Euric, sternly. "Don't look so gloom, we both know you've been longing to get back into his arms. When we get there be sure to convince him of our proposal."

"I can," she swore. "But it's not going to be in the back of a wagon. I know we're only five miles away from Silver's Port. If you and your men show up there, with me and Drustan as prisoners, Kremwald soldiers will send you all to the gallows."

"You're proposing we work together," Euric laughed. "Do I look mad? You'll be wanting revenge for what I did to that pretty face of yours."

"I'll forgive your offences, and I'll convince Kaelan to do the same."

"We don't need the Bear's forgiveness, we are wolves," he said aloud, with his men cheering him on.

"Kaelan will kill you when he's see's what you have done to me," she said with certainty.

"I'm not afraid of Lord Bearheart," he replied.

"You should be," Amiera told him. "My father told me a story of the Fool's Battle. Kaelan used one of the men's broken leg bone as a weapon. He killed many of my father's men with a bone. No number of men behind you can quench his rage."

"Take her up on her offer," Drustan advised. "Kaelan will listen to her."

"Let me think," said Euric walking behind the wagon toward his men. They hurdled together, exchanging words and advise. Some minutes later he returned to the cage, opening the locks and door. "If you don't keep your end of the deal, my men will take turns doing to you whatever their soul desires."

 She nodded, taking her time as she came out. Drustan followed, walking behind them as they pressed on. Not too long after they felt the rain pouring down on them. Amiera smiled as the rain quenches her parched lips, the rain lasted an hour before the cold winds started coming their way. Valtray were as unpredictable as the men who dwell there, the weather changes whenever it wants, there are days when the sun never sets, days when night lasts for months. No one knew why it worked that way, part of Amiera believed Elementals still existed. It never made much sense to her, because those men were long gone, they were thought to be extinct. How do you explain the weather patterns changing? The country were as mysterious as the women herself.

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