Kaelan - Elementals Chapter 18

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 They stood on the hill overlooking the view. A large forest rested on each side with mountains standing firmly behind them. A small hill sat with a steep decline that led to a grim port resting at the centre of mountain walls. A single ship sat far out to sea, with dozens of boat descending from it's side. Most of the boats were filled with Mordrid soldiers carrying with them a handful of men dressed in different colour robes. As they rowed, the sea set them back. A few boats carrying the green hooded figures went crashing into one another.

Kaelan stood with his gaze upon the first boat, they were hurrying along with their rowing while trying their best to avoid the sharpened rocks that spiraled up from the water, plunging upward into the boats carrying the men dressed all in grey. He then looked to his side and saw Arkron was in some sort of trance, a brown veil covered his eyes as he moved his hands slowly.

"What is he doing?" Nestor asked.

"He's a Shaper," said Kaelan, unfazed. "How do you think we dug so many tunnels?"

"It doesn't matter what he is," said Saria, standing closely to Kaelan. "He's helping."

As Kaelan looked out, he noticed the hooded figure from the first boat had his hand stretched out into the sea, moving his hand in a motion of back and forth. In a matter of seconds, the water became calm. "Those Mercenaries are Elementals," said Kaelan, "that one is a Seadis."

"Men who can manipulate matter," Nestor said, horrified. "Weren't those men put to death long ago?"

"Not all of them," said Arkron, as he lowered his hands. His eyes were back to normal and his body seemed even more worn out. "We are not all bad," he argued.

As Kaelan looked forward once again, he saw the boat behind the Seadis were carrying other hooded figures dressed all in red. The men stood up, stretching their hands toward the sky before summoning balls of fire that looked like stars at first, but as it came nearer it was more like large blocks of flaming Sulphur. "Get to the forest," Kaelan ordered, shouting with all his voice.

He grabbed hold of Saria's hand, just after removing Windfall from his shoulder. He places him under his left arm, while running to the left side of the forest. Nestor and some of the men took the right side, ducking between the large trees that reached the peak of the mountains. Arkron and Joslin followed Kaelan, with some of the slaves trailing behind. Brimstone fell upon the hill, hitting every tree and branch that stood. The men that were caught between the forest, who were still trying to meet a side, were hit first. The burning blocks melted their skin just before striking them down. It melted their flesh as it made it's way through the bone.

The trees fell in front of the men, forming a dead end that were blocking Kaelan and his men from moving forward. They stood still, with trees breaking and falling toward them. Amiera ducked next to Kaelan, with the dragon taking cover in her arms. Kaelan threw his arms over them, bowing his head as the cries of the other men echoed from across the forest. As he kept his position, he then heard the trees being torn into half, when it fell it fell like wood shavings and dust.

"Kaelan," Arkron called out, stretching his hand toward him. "We need to get back to the wagons," he suggested.

Saria stood up, her hands were still holding onto Kaelan's. They ran back to the open, seeing one wagon still standing with the other three completely destroyed, with it's horses dead. Arkron and Kaelan began sorting through the rubbles, finding a dozen of swords with the rest melted away. Just five bows survived, with a handful of arrows. Kaelan took a bow for himself with only three arrows to command. Nestor came out from the forest, his left arm were almost torn off. He fell on the side of the road, with a few survivors coming forward, crossing his unconscious body. Saria rushes to help him, taking Windfall along. Kaelan proceeded toward the tip of the hill, watching as a few boats came nearing the shore. He places the arrow in a fixed position, when he loosed he struck one of the men dressed in red. The hooded figure fell dead inside the boat, his brothers in arms tosses him out almost immediately. Kaelan pulled his bow for a second time, but this time his arrow went astray as a hooded figure dressed in a light blue apparel waved his hand toward the destructive weapon.

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