Micah - Home Chapter 31

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He walked just ahead of everyone else, when he looked back, he could see the Prince standing tall on the wagon, looking down as he spoke to his wife. Kaelan came approaching him, they could see Alcadia just up ahead. Smoke arose from the city, but it wasn't the sort that smelled like burnt wood, or burning flesh, it was a pleasant smell that smelt like food. His mouth was watering as he walked closer toward his home. Besides his desire for fresh food and a warm bed, he thought about many different things. Will his sister still be there, will Millie forgive him for what he had done.

"You'll soon have justice," said Kaelan, walking beside him.

"Death is mercy for men like him," replied Micah.

"You'd rather he live?"

"No, but dying seems easy."

"I know that these people's trust no longer lies with me. Maybe marrying her is wrong."

"It is," Micah confesses. "She led many of our company to perish. If you intend to win these people back, start by executing justice."

"Can't you show mercy?" Kaelan asked him.

"Killing them is mercy," Micah admitted. "It's me being kind."

"Was it kindness that led you to Princess Elia's bed?" Micah looks at him, surprise. His face was turning flustered and red. "You thought I didn't know, I noticed because I barely sleep."

"Ryker was right in choosing you," confessed Micah. "You don't listen to the people. You don't care, just like he did."

"My problem, is that I care too much and you and the others care too little. It's not power I seek. If that's what you assume, then I shall exersise some of that power. Damien, will be sent to Echalon and will serve a life sentence as his punishment. He will be stripped of all titles and lands."

"Are you only sparing his life because he's your brother-in-law or is it because his wife put the thought into your head."

"Amiera shielded me from death by having her family send me in here, I'm extending the same courtesy she showed me."

"You may look like a Bearheart, but your heart and loyalty belongs to the Solace family whether or not you'd like to admit it."

After Kaelan left him, they heard bells being rung from within the City of Coals. The doors of the city were opened wide with the crowd gathering by the entrance, cheering them on. The Solace banner was hung high outside the walls and even within it. He saw Millie and Skyler awaiting him near the side, they were both smiling and waving at him. He could see how beautifully they were both dressed, he looks back toward Elia whose eyes were staring back at him. Sir Elroy came from behind, wrapping his arms over him, before kissing his cheeks.

"We'll all be fine," said Sir Elroy, "now that we're home."

"Perhaps," Micah responded, watching Millie's smile fade away as Elia came approaching him on the other side.

"This is the end of us," said Elia, "you must know that."

"I do," Micah admitted. "If you weren't promised, I'd..."

"I wouldn't have allowed you to," she confessed. "You made a promise to her, keep it."

Micah nodded, then he looked toward where Millie was standing, finding Skyler alone. He ran to her as they got closer, kneeling down before embracing her tightly. She started crying as she she hugged him back, her hands tightening around his neck. He lifts her up, laughing as she wouldn't let go.

"Where's uncle Lobo," she then asked, staring at the crowd of soldiers. When there was no answer she looked at her brother, only to see tears filling his eyes as he shook his head. She stared out into the crowd once again, hoping by some miracle she'd find him. When she couldn't see him him in their midst, she started sobbing, resting her head upon Micah's shoulders as he entered into the city. He took his time before meeting Millie's School. He stood at the entrance for a minute, consoling Skyler before knocking on the door. It wasn't long before she opened it up, she didn't bother staring at him at all, she immediately turned and went passed her hall before entering in to her kitchen. Kaelan followed her, closing the door behind. When he entered, he saw three pots on the stove, one with noodles boiling, in the other were slices of fish frying, and in the last pot, there was coffee almost done boiling. He took a seat, watching Millie as she tended to her cooking. Skyler's cries had become silent, but her grip still hold fast around him.

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