Kaelan - A Reunion of Sorts Chapter 23

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Day's went by with a gloom that fill the sky. A thunderstorm greeted them on the path, hitting the trees that sat at both sides of the road. Trees fell in front of them, forming a heap that could pass as a waist height wall. Kaelan ordered some of the men to empty the wagons while commanding his friend Arkron to dig bunkers in the ground. Joslin stood beside him, watching as he went into a trance. He stretches his hands forward with open palms, then drawing it back with folded fists. When he opened his hands, heaps of dirt came pouring out from under the trees, making a flat sound. He repeated the act a few more times, while men hurried along in carrying their things toward the small bunkers that were already made.

"Do you expect me to sleep inside one of those things?" Saria asked, staring at the dark hole.

"Yes," Kaelan answered. "When we spread a few leaves, it'll be comfortable."

"You can try," she said, watching him as he started a fire inside one of the holes. "I don't think I'll be comfortable in that."

Smoke filled the hole, chasing a dozen or more insects out. She stood there with her arms folded as he tossed a few cloaks in. He took inside a lit lantern, and some wine. "Are you coming?" he asked. "Or do your prefer to stay out here and be scorched by lightening bolts."

She crawled in, coughing as hints of smoke lingered on inside the hole. She saw remnants of small roots hanging from above, with a few dead bugs lying at the side. She laid close to Kaelan, keeping herself coiled up, trying her best to not touch the dirt around her. The lantern brightened the entirety of the hole, creating an illusion as if fireworks were going off in Kaelan's eyes.

"Where's Windfall?" he asked her.

"He's with Arkron and Joslin," she told him. "He's eating his fill of worms and insects that grovel in the sandheaps."

"Do you think Elementals are still chasing after us?"

"I don't know, maybe," he answered. "Valtray still has unusual weather patterns. These thunderstorms come and go when it wants, it happens most frequent in the north."

"How are you not bother by it?" she asked him.

"When you work in the mines, you don't have to worry about that. The mountains protected us."

"Can I ask you a question? One that changes the topic."

"What is it?"

"If Amiera was here, and you had to choose between the two of us, who would you choose?"

"Why would you ask me that?" he said, annoyed.

"Because I choose you, over everyone."

"I am never getting back with her," he swore. "She's married to Lord Kremwald, and even if she wasn't still with him, I wouldn't care."

"Good," she said, "I'll remember that."

"Do you doubt my loyalty?" he asked.

"No," she said, staring at his lips. "I want our children to have your eyes," she told him, before kissing him gently. She started unlacing his pants, while he slowly got on top. He raises up her dress slowly, before making her his. He kisses her neck all the way down to her breast. She groaned aloud, not caring who would hear them. She places her hands to the side of his waist, moving it in a rhythm. They took their time in their passion, with morning meeting them wrapped up in each other's arms.

"Kaelan," Arkron shouted, two times.

When Kaelan awoke, he found Windfall lying at the side of Saria. When Kaelan removed her arm from over his chest, the dragon awoke, staring at him as he crawled out. When Kaelan looked back, he saw Windfall had taken his spot.

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