1. Keys and System Glitches

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A.N: I Own nothing but plot and book cover.

The boss was odd in Jin-Woo's opinion. As soon as it was defeated the corpse left behind  evaporated into thousands of bright colored lights that almost blinded him.

It wasn't a stretch to say he was still seeing double after the whole body dissipated.

When the lights finally cleared he say that there was zero trace of the monster ever being there.

Even the blood that marred the dungeon before in it's luminescent red hues were gone.

Yeah, really odd.

Jin-Woo's eyes scanned the horizon of the dungeon as the whole place shook and grew ready to close.


[Do you wish to open the reward box that extracted from the boss?]

[Yes or No]

The blueish grey screen pulsed with light.

Was that a trick question?

Jin-Woo blinked and swiftly without hesitation clicked the 'Yes' icon.

The screen quickly changed to show a strange box.

The box was black with silver accents it's marble-like design reminded Jin-Woo of a jewelry box he would find in an old money Television show Jin-Ah loved.

A small part of him mentally joked about it hiding a secret letter that revealed the 'bastard child' female lead was actually the heiress to the family.

However his imagination was stopped by the screen pulsing  and convulsing not unlike cable TV during a rainstorm.


[The S_ystem is reacting neg@tively to the 0bject hęld ins%de. It is not rec*mmended for y0u to sto^e this item in your inv_ntory or un÷predictable pr0blems may erupt from the s&stem]

The usually robotic voice of the system now sounded panicked and almost humane.

If that was truly possible...

'Is it...scared?' Jin-Woo frowned this was his first time seeing his system react in such a way.

It almost left him feeling a bit sickened at the thought.

The system and him had symbiotic (borderline parasitic) relationship with each other. If the System saw this tacky box as a threat he felt conditioned into thinking the same.

Jin-Woo quickly removed the object from the inventory and like magic the system's malfunctions seemed to stop.

~[{That was close}]~

Jin-Woo nearly stabbed the thing that spoke on reflex.

Emphasis on nearly, the thing that spoke simply raised it's hand and the dagger in Jin-Woo's hand dissipated, not unlike the monster minutes before.

~[{ Player 1: Sung Jin-Woo this system Antibody does not wish to cause you harm.}]~

Jin-Woo frowned as he stared at the thing in front of him.

It looked vaguely humanoid and looked quite similar to his shadow soldiers. Except it's colors where composed of pastel blue and white instead of the usual dark armored soldiers.

Sung Jin-Woo, I am Wiki, a System Antibody, my job is to keep the system stable and running.}]~

'So like an immune system... for the System' Jin-Woo wondered.

~[{But that is besides the point. The reason for the System's... malfunction was because of the object in that box.}]~

"So if you keep the system working right, may I ask why the System... is there perhaps a reason for the way the system acts toward this object?" Jin-Woo inquired.

The Antibody simply sighed before pointing toward the box in Jin-Woo's hands.

~[{The thing in there... appears to be a System Hacker Key a special key that allows you unlock all sorts of unpaid benefits of the System.}]~

"I see, the system doesn't want me to use cheat codes. It will make me reap everything without doing anything." Jin-Woo analyzed.

And even though Jin-Woo had an endless thirst to grow stronger and level up... the System Hacker Key would seem like he was gaining without actual input. How would that effect the System?

~[{ Player 1 do not consider them bad.}]~

~[{The only reason the System is in anyway negative toward System Hacker Keys is not because it gives the Player advantages, but because there are a lot of... risks involved and their unpredictable nature.}]~

Jin-Woo eyebrows furrowed as heard the monotone explanation  from the Antibody.

 So the System was worried for it's Player's health?

It made sense on paper, but in real life it felt like he was being lied straight to his face.

'I'd be real touched if it weren't for the instant dungeons and the Penalty Zone's it sends me too.' Jin-Woo deadpanned.

But his mixed feelings toward the System's 'favor' aside he really needed all the facts.

He wasn't going to do something as crazy as fighting the System's creator again.

He needed to be logical about this and see if the risks justified the gains.

"Tell me if I used a System Hacker Key would the System... do something extreme?" Wondered Jin-Woo.

~[{The System would support you no matter your decision.}]~

Jin-Woo smiled lightly, before gently opening the box, suspicion still shown through his actions.

In the box stood a strange key that looked like a mix between a dungeon key and a flashdrive.

On the tip of the key was a strange symbol.

A bunny rabbit with a top hat and a monocle.

[Would you like to use Mad Rabbit's System Hacker Key?]

'Who's Mad Rabbit?'

[Yes or No]

Jin-Woo's eyes glowed a  cobalt shade of blue and a grin adorned his face.

He took a deep breath feeling adrenalin beginning to flow in his veins... and pressed Yes.

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