10. Q and A

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A.N: Been trying to fix OOC.

The Justice League all wondered what the 'original' Sovereign of their universe was like.

Did he give off the same aura of king? Did he have the powers of a Meta-human? Was he even existing in their universe?

Either way it was a mystery with a dead end, because their sole Detective was not willing to investigate like he usually did. 

Or he did investigate and wasn't willing to share his data. 

Even then that didn't matter, not when the person of the subject was right there, willing to answer their questions.

So, they did what everyone else would have done! They asked questions and used Martian Manhunter as a Meta-human lie detector.

"So you have a firm belief you are not of this Dimension?" Asked Superman hoping to process the teen's words.


"Ahem, I see... for know let's drop the topic and maybe get into the topics of Gates!" Captain Marvel smiled before giving the rest of the League an accusing glare.

"Sovereign I noticed in the video you stated the 'Gate' was C-rank at most... can you please explain that?" Asked the kid in a man's body politely.

The noble-like teen nodded his head, before opening his mouth to explain.

"From what I have in the few scraps of familiarity I hold in my memories I figured out that 'Gates' are rated by how hard they're to clear and how powerful the monsters inside are." Stated Jin-Woo calmly.

Getting the hint the other League members began to ask their own questions.

"Can you tell us how 'Gate' strength is measured using the Alphabet?" Asked Green Lantern.

Jin-Woo nodded his head once more.

"From what I recall weakest to strongest is rated by this order: E-rank, D-rank, C-rank, B-rank, A-rand, and S-rank. S being strongest and E the weakest." Smiled Jin-Woo gently.

'It's good thing I don't have to explain 'Hunters' to them, we'd be stuck here till sunrise... and I still have to check how Calum is doing with my delivery patrols...' Jin-Woo mentally sighed.

"Why is S considered the strongest? Alphabetically speaking it's the latest out of all the other letters." Asked Superman.

Diana found herself agreeing, she may have been raised on Latin and Greek tongue but years of living with mortals and her on curiosity had taught her the language.

'More then likely it stands for 'Special' or it could be for the aesthetic just look at modern media... S-Rank just sounds cool.' Captain Marvel sent through the link.

'More like cringy.' Green Lantern sighed.

'How does one sigh through a mind link?' Marvel wondered.

'It's a gift.'

"It stands for 'Special Case', worry not S-Rank Gates are far and between."

They all got over that quickly, Marvel was right... it was just for the aesthetic.

However another question plagued a League member's mind.

"Mr. Sovereign?"

Jin-Woo instantly turned to the person that called him.

"Yes, Ms. Wonder Woman?" He asked elegantly, not wanting to insult any of these well-known figures.

"From what you told us... it seems that your universe is used to the Gate Phenomenon, so how pray tell does your world handle it...?"

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