7. The Portal is where...?

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A.N: Time for the meeting between all the Gotham heroes.

Jin-Woo frowned as he and Calum both performed their nightly duties, delivering all sorts of goods all around Gotham.

It was rather peaceful, which made Jin-Woo antsy and very suspicious. 

He didn't want to look the gift horse in the mouth but he found himself cursing the "Hacker Key" for ruining his plans.

So, yes he had a reason for his distrust this night.

The timer the system had since 2 months ago had finally gone of.

"Shadow Master?"

Jin-Woo looked at Calum, to tired to even correct the use of the title.


"Tonight you've been really tense..." Calum started.

Jin-Woo showed no reaction to the teen's words, so Calum took that as a sign to continue.

"... and I have a feeling that it has something to do with the portals that have starting appearing an hour ago."

At that Jin-Woo instantly snapped his head to face the annoying teen, looking at him straight in his eyes.

As jade met blue the two came into a silent agreement.

"I would never judge you, because I am sure you have your reasons." The green-eyed male spoke calmly his voice filled with no malice, only concern.

Jin-Woo nodded his head.

"So you'll take care of the deliveries?"

Calum raised an eyebrow.

"I thought that was obvious? So are you leaving or not? My butt hurts from crouching in this uncomfortable position for more than ten minutes." The teen whined.

"To think I thought we were having a moment... Go on. I'll send you the locations on your phone." Jin-Woo muttered, exasperation clear in his voice.

Calum nodded before getting up and taking Jin-Woo's bag in his hands. 

After a minute of figuring out how to carry the heavy and precious cargo he began to run, jumping from rooftop to rooftop like it was second nature.

Jin-Woo felt small pride in knowing he taught him to use his lithe physique and gymnastics background to good use.

Jin-Woo waited until Calum was far enough to step out of the shadows make motions at the air.

Or at least they looked like motions, in reality he was activating the free Memory given to him by the system.

Time Skip

The memory was short but very much informative.

It filled in the gaps on information from a topic he had seen repeatedly from other memories.


Gates were portals that lead into Dungeons, these dungeons were filled with monsters that were hunted by people like Jin-Woo.

People who had awakened and had taken the role of Hunters.

Jin-Woo heard in this words in almost every type of Memory.

He knew by some kind of instinct that he was more than human... he was a Hunter.

As stupid and cliché it might've sounded, he already got 'Shadow Master' by half the city.

What was one more embarrassing title into the mix?

He found himself smirking as he finally arrived at the place of destination.

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