14. Mission #1

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A.N: Welcome back.

It was the dusk of a new night and Jin-Woo walked casually toward the Gate wondering why he'd gotten into this mess.

He was stuck balancing the wishes of the System, the potential betrayal he'd serve the Bats, and his worry for the children he'd unofficially adopted.

Moments like these he thank the heavens his face failed to betray most emotion because frankly he was spiraling.

"Gear checked, right?" He asked calmly.

Red Robin nodded his head.

"Great, preparing for entry." Quite a dramatic way to say he was ready to take another step, but enough of that.

He walked through the portal listening intently to the sounds of the Bats behind him and glancing for hints of traps.

The entry of the gate revealed a Savannah-like environment almost as if trying to emulate the nature of Africa, but only through the images seen in postcards or zoo habitats.

In other words it was creepily artificial and left a bad taste in Sovereign's mouth.

'An Iron flavor to be specific."

He stared at the tall grass around them scowling with suspicion.

"No hints of traditional monster traps and from the environment bipedal enemies like goblins are highly unlikely." Jin-Woo noted.

"Expect animal-like monsters for at least this part of the gate, keep your eyes pealed a camouflaged foes by looking for glinting or reflected light."

"Why light?"

As if on cue a Birdarang whished passed his ears embedding itself on metal.


Sure enough a growl came from where Robin had aimed and monster pounced outwards in anger.

It was shaped like a spotted leopard, however its 'fur' glinted in the light reflecting that that 'fur' was actually a large amount of thin but tough metal spines.

Oh and it had six legs... did Jin-Woo mention that.

The growl it gave of seemed to alert that the suspicions of Jin-Woo were in fact correct.

These beasts were smart enough to realize that something they could use as a source of nutrition would pop out eventually and left a scout there.

This meant that the growl was an alert signal to rest.

"They may look like leopards but they hunt more like wolves, don't use the standards of Earth's look-a-like on monsters." Jin-Woo warned.

Growls sounded once more and sure enough it was obvious they were being ambushed.

"They don't have much weak points... so overwhelm their senses."

Jin-Woo grasped matches from his inventory and lit what appeared to be...incense?

The leopard seemed to cringe at the smell rather quickly.

The Bats connected the dots and quickly got into position.

Red Hood gripped his gun and shot out a flare.

Red Robin typed something his gauntlet an a loud screeching noise resounded around them.

The leopards began to let out yowls of pain and as such Robin began to cut them down, aiming at the areas where they were least protected like the muscles in their inner legs and the throat.

The whole process took around eight minutes and soon the corpses of 17 leopards laid dead.

"Pick up that Birdarang you used Robin, last thing we need in for me to forge more." Frowned Jin-Woo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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