4. Walking the Street Pt. 1

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A.N: Enjoy.

Jin-woo didn't like the city in which he had waken up in. 

It was hard to like it when it was cold, gloomy, and gave an aura of desperation. 

However that wasn't what bothered him, it was that his instincts almost... seemed Intune with the city... like he was somehow one with the dark spots of Gotham.

It didn't help that his senses were way to strong for his own good.

The constant sound of Police sirens, the horrid smog, and vibrations that radiated of the of the crumbling buildings, things that wouldn't have bothered him if his senses weren't dialed up that of a bred tracking animal.

Oddly enough he was still thankful he was lucky, he could never be caught of guard and with his powers despite how much pain they inflicted on his body they were infinitely useful.

Especially in the city he was located in...

Gotham the city of crime and vigilantes.

If there is one city that you don't want to visit without a plan or information it was most certainly that of Gotham.

Jin-woo smiled as he walked down the street of the bottom feeder slums nostalgia hitting him at a hundred miles an hour. 

[~One Year Ago~]

In the battered streets of Gotham a single black hole seemed to open. 

At least it looked a black hole the dark wisps glowing dully and mysteriously as the night continued on.

Gentle shadow like hands slowly emerged from the hole waving slowly as if testing its surrounding before fully coming out.

At last a large knight that seemed to have come from a myth from the Dark Ages fully came out of the black hole.

The knight carefully walked out crouching near the darkness protectively  and searching to see if anyone was around before stretching to full height revealing a small figure in its arms.

The boy was around 13-14 soft black hair falling down to his nape and perfectly shaped mouth and eyebrows twisted in away that gave it the illusion of discomfort.

Soft vaguely Korean features twisted in a way that made even the coldest person feel pity.


Another knight appeared, but this one seemed more Bug-like and gave a dark and menacing aura.

If the previous one was dark knight of ghost stories this was entomophobes nightmare.

Yet it stayed on guard duty, while the other knight was on babysitting duty.

"It seem my Liege is now a Prince instead of a king, Ingris." The Ant-like soldier chittered.


'Ingris' Didn't reply but he didn't need to the Ant-like soldier had already received the message.

'Prince or King he is still our Liege Beru. It is our duty as his Commanders to keep him from harm in his weakened state.'

'Beru' nodded his insect head.

"Of course forever and always. I, Beru am glad that you also believe this fact."


'Did you just doubt me Beru?' Igris seemed quite angered now, and the rest of the soldiers heard him from the mind link connected to their king.

It was odd how tense the soldiers seemed.

They were obviously allies, but they seem to rely on a higher power to keep them from disputes.

Similarly to siblings.

'Did you forget I have been serving him since the beginning?! The mere doubt of my loyalty is pure blasphemy!' Igris jabbed through the link.

Beru didn't seem to care instead he worried for his king/prince's state.

'No fighting... king is waking up' A new voice spoke through the link.

Instantly Igris sadly put his Prince on the dirty ground frowning at seeing the way his face twisted in pain.

Both soldiers then proceed to melt into the boy's shadows.

[Enter Hidden Mode, disturbing surroundings and interfering with the Monarch will result in adequate punishment.]

The system was forcing them to keep themselves hidden.

Said boy opened his eyes lightly before rubbing his eyes only to be met with a bizarre sight.

[⚠️Emergency Quest!⚠️]

[A Child Trafficking Ring is Near your area. Release victims without getting caught by Traffickers or a Vigilante.]

Jin-woo didn't understand why but he felt rage as he stared at the words.

"What's a 'Child Trafficking Ring'?" The word felt the foreign on his tongue.

[A Child Trafficking Ring is a Ring of criminals who steal children from ages 2-17 to sell as slaves in the Black Market.]

There it was, the rage again.

Jin-Woo stare at the screen his grayish eyes glowed dark blue.

"Show me the way."

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