11. Tip Toe

180 11 3

A.N: Enjoy.

Jin-Woo closed his eyes and opened them again.


"I wish to adopt you."

The Shadow Monarch was too stunned to speak. 


Jin-Woo turned to the people witnessing the mess that was Batman's adopting obsession. Red Hood simply shook his head Red Robin shrugged and Nightwing  smiled happily.

Those traitors!

Robin... we don't talk about Robin...

"Took you long enough, Old Man" Stated the Anti-Hero.

Red Robin grinned.

"Speaking of which~"

"Tch." Red Hood took out a wad of cash and threw it at Red Robin.

"Knowing Father it was only a matter of time." Robin sighed.


"Wait what?!" Jin-Woo was having hard time processing the disaster occurring before him. 

"I don't expect to join the family (Yet), but it'd be a beneficial deal for both of us."

At that Jin-Woo calmed down, his face turning  serious.

'That makes sense.'

"What's the deal?"

Batman nodded his head.

"It has come to my attention you have started a food and supply ring for children in the street."

Jin-Woo nodded his head.

"With my resources and your knowledge I could make your work a legitimate organization and increase it's effectiveness."

Jin-Woo found himself smiling at the prospect.

"Of course but I am allowed an out and stay in my place at anytime." Hell would freeze over before Jin-Woo would leave his children to fend for themselves.

Robin clicked his tongue before shoving his hand forward, with another wad of cash in his hands.

At this point Red Robin was glowing...

"However... I lack the legal... registration... you know different dimension and all-"

"Already told Alfred to take care of it."

Jin-Woo blinked.


A big grin made it's way to Nightwing.

'How does he smile like that...?' Cringed Jin-Woo.

"Agent A!"

The heir to Death sighed.

"Alright I'll wait for you to give me the next meeting address-"

"No need."

Robin made a follow-me motion.

"There is a reason we picked this location." 

Jin-Woo sighed.

"What? Only the best for the Batfamily!" Laughed Red Hood.

Jin-Woo shivered in fear.

"D-don't that."

Red Hood frowned.

"Do what?"

"That! Its infernally creepy!"

Nightwing huffed.

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