9. Who invited him?!

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A.N: Enjoy

The Watchtower stayed silent as they reviewed the footage belonging to the inside of one of the many portals that had erupted all around the world.

They watched as the main vigilantes of Gotham killed beasts of all sizes and species.

The beginning of the footage showed the battle with the wolves, and then of other monsters that showed no hesitation in attacking the vigilantes. 

The entire Dungeon took 5 hours, and theoretically it would have taken much longer, because the red and gold door was a trap.

It lead straight to the boss room.

Jin-Woo figured this out and decided to enter on his own accord telling the exhausted vigilantes to wait outside. 

They felt guilty of leaving Sovereign all alone with the strongest monster in there, but with them being completely fatigued they knew they'd only get in the way of the obviously experienced newbie on their team.

Twenty minutes later Jin-Woo came out the gate a pensive look on his face.

He then proceeded to fuss like a mother and force-feed them Healing potions.

The footage then cut off.

"Batman... have you thought of perhaps interrogating Sovereign?" Superman asked suspicion written all over his features.

The Dark Knight gave a dark look... which was astonishing because the Bat proved he can be even more threatening.

"We already did, Sovereign suffers from Memory Loss, he only remembers his name and the natural Muscle Memory from what appears to be years of training." He answered.

The message was clear, Sovereign was off limits.

Wonder Women frowned.

"And those drinks he gave you? Certainly you're not growing soft with age, Batman?" Asked the Amazonian Princess.

"Already analyzed, the ingredients are of unknown origin."

"Same can be said with the monsters, Green Lantern asked around."

Everyone turned to the assigned Green Lantern of Earth.

Said man sighed before nodding his head.

"It is true, the Lantern Core analyzed the samples, sure there were look-a-alikes, but look at Superman he looks human, yet he is of Kryptonian origin." He stated.

"DNA wise and Energy wise no known matches." He finished seemingly exhausted.

The Justice League grew even more serious.

"How is it Sovereign knows so much on these gates yet has memory loss?" Asked Flash.

"Seems... really convenient..."

Batman glared coldly at the Scarlet Speedster.

"I see...You don't trust Sovereign." Batman stated.

The rest of the League didn't speak, the only one who who looked the slightest bit guilty was Captain Marvel. 

He looked uncomfortable by the entire conversation.

(Poor Billy)

"Of course we don't Batman, if you weren't so taken with the child you would think the same." Calmly stated Green Lantern.

That was true, it was the way the Batman functioned, he was the 'paranoid' one of the bunch, rarely if ever did he trust anyone, and when he did he still kept 'safety measures' just incase anything occurred that required him to take action.

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