6. Interruptions

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'Mother-' Jin-Woo inwardly cursed.

"I'll ask you again...Who the fuck are you?!" Growled a man.

Or atleast what Jin-Woo assumed was a man... wearing a bright red helmet.

'This must be one one of the vigilantes that the System ment.' He thought analyzing the man up and down. 

He mentally noted that despite the weirdly tacky biker's outfit that he was obviously protected in that... suit.

Jin-Woo frowned... 

What would be the word... tacky? 

Well who was he to talk?

He was sneaking around like some off-brand knock-off superhero with daddy issues...

He felt his entire discomfort grow as thoughts on how he looked in the vigilante's eyes grew grimmer.

He narrowly dodged another bullet.

'I hope for the kid's sake that's rubber...  no keep it up and I hope for your sake' Jin-Woo Growled lightly anger clouding his mind.

He didn't know why but he found himself having a temper.

Like his emotional maturity had lowered.

'Wait... lowered? Does that mean my mental age and body don't-'


[The vigilante 'Red Hood' is showing large amounts of killing intent! Manage to Lower his killing intent or the system will be forced to intervene.]

Jin-Woo clenched his jaw before slowly coming to a stop.

Since Jin-Woo hadn't retaliate Red Hood shouldn't have a reason to shoot him.

The 'Red Hood' simply narrowed his eyes lowering his weapon but not putting it away.

'Good. I know these vigilantes have common sense, or at least this one.'

He felt relief.

"You still haven't answered my question."

Jin-Woo's face curled in distaste.

First of that was an extremely rude way to ask a question.

Seriously shooting first, then demanding answers? Just how tactless was the man before him?

(Or at least he assumed was a man...)

 He didn't want to reveal his name his pride was acting up and demanding him to stay silent just to see the man act out again.

He could practically hear someone screaming in the back of his head 'The audacity-'

"I can't tell you" The teen spoke voice hallow.

The 'Red Hood' simply stared at the teen... before-

"Damn Brucie couldn't help yourself again could you...?"


"Another one, Demon spawn will not accept it laying down, you know...?"


'With a nickname like that it's got my curiosity overshadowing my pride.'

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