5. Walking the Street Part 2

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A.N:Enjoy. Please comment if you have tips.

[You have arrived in the Ring.]

The teenager stared at the Blueish glowing screen with narrowed eyes.

It was like an impulse growing suspicions and an unnatural hunger to grow stronger.

He looked at the rotting building holding an aura of desperation.

Yes, this placed definitely matched the description given by the strange system.

A giant warehouse filled with adult thugs carrying children of all ages in cages. 

Some children scratched, clawed, and bit while others stayed completely still, believing fighting back was pointless.

And honestly the sight made the teens sculped features scrunch up in disgust and anger.

He turned back to the blueish screen giving a second look to the 'Quest' he had been given.

'Logically speaking whatever this screen is should be my subconsciousness acting up...'

It made most sense, he may be an amnesiac but he knew hallucinating was not a common experience.

'but if that's true how would my subconsciousness know this where this place is...?'

The boy turned his gaze to the victims of this crime.

'Could they... perhaps have kinship with me...? Do I have some sort of connections with these kids...?'

You could practically see cogs turning as the boy theorized his connection to this ring.

He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

'Connection or not this the only clue I have so far.... it's not like I have many options.'

He then opened his eyes determination turning the grayish orbs into a mysterious shade of indigo.

'It is also entirely cruel to let people suffer just because they have nothing to do with me.'

As if in cue another Virtual Reality looking screen appeared in front of him.

[The System has gifted host with an item.]

[Do you wish to accept Item?]

[Yes or No]

The boy simply clicked the screen.

In an instant a dark cloak-like jacket appeared in his hand, seeming to have been spit out by the 'System'.

The Cloak-like Jacket was long and reached all the way to the boy's knees when he put it on.

[Do you wish for equipped Item to be visible?]

[Yes or No]

The boy swiftly clicked yes. 

The coat-jacket would be useless if it didn't hide his identity.

[Item Name: Shadow Necromancer Cloak
Item Type: Clothing
Rank: B~???
Bio: A cloak used to blend in to all sorts of shadows. This cloak will completely hide the identity of user. Strengthens Mana Stat by 30%.]

'Well it seems to be of more of use rather then only for cover...'

The teen obviously was still in denial of his strange power.

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