8. I must try once more.

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A.N: Warning Gore.

The 'Batfam' as the media loved to call them were all staring at a large swirling portal like it was the strangest thing they'd seen in Gotham.

Well, it certainly wasn't but it was up there....

"C-Rank at most." Spoke Sovereign.

All the members raised an eyebrow at the... new ally? Friend? Family member? I mean knowing the Batman it was only a matter of time, really.

But that was beside the point, they were curious over something else.

"You talk as if this is normal for you.." Grinned Nightwing.

The glorified babysitter gave a deadpan look.

Batman raised an eyebrow.

It was rare to ever gain any piece of information on Sovereign, and the fact that he knew about the "Portal Phenomenon" currently happening all over the world was quite a piece of info.

Yes, as embarrassing as it was the World's Greatest Detective had not a scrap of info on the costumed 'Fallen Angel' of Gotham.

(Yes, the media nicknamed him that in his earlier days of his appearance, Jin-Woo had given up correcting people at this point.)

"I won't go far in detail, but yes where I hail from 'Gates' are a part of normal society." Spoke Sovereign.

'More like I don't want to upset the system, it's already yelling at me.'


[It is not yet time for the 'Player' to reveal his knowledge on 'Gates'.]

[Any more info given to the 'Vigilantes' will lead to the closing of the 'Memory Purchase' option.]

Sovereign simply stared at the Gate with suspicion, he didn't know why but he seemed suspicious of the Gate, like he remembered something unsavory about C-rank Gates...

'Another weird feeling to add to the list.' He mentally noted deciding it would be better to ignore it in favor for the happenings of the current situation.

"I advice you to stay vigilant, C-rank or not Gates are not something you should underestimate."

'I don't feel comfortable with bringing unawakeneds into a Gate, but they fought lots of strong enemies...'

Nightwing smiled brightly.

'I hope they can handle it.'

"Why of course! Why do you thing they call us vigilantes?~" He quipped hoping to lighten the very much dark mood.

Jin-Woo raised an eyebrow.

"Because you are not legally trained to fight crime and yet still choose to do so...?"

Robin huffed.

"Shall we get on with it and enter the 'dang' thing?" He asked completely ignoring his predecessor.

"Demon Spawn... please stop using pre-teen slang... it doesn't suit you."

"I though my manner of speech was considered 'creepy' by your standards, Red Hood?"

"Yeah but-"

"Yes we shall." Answered the Bat before slowly entering the Gate and ignoring the conversation.

'Ah, a fellow single father.' Sovereign mentally chuckled still mildly amused by the events that occurred with Nath.

As soon as all the Gotham Heroes entered they were met with the gray marbling walls that reminded them of an abandoned Greek temple.

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