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Moving to Charming was in a way a breath of fresh air. though I feel like this town holds plenty of secrets that I'll learn as the days go by. but for now, I'll just enjoy my clinic and living my life here.

I had just finished going over everything with my staff that was to accrue on opening night and how they will handle some of the strange or crazy patients who want to cause damage or harm to someone or themselves.

I don't judge and I try to treat everyone with respect the way I want them to respect me. but just like every other human in this world, I have limits and once they are met then I'm a huge bitch. 

Knowing I'm in this line of work I know what will occur or possibly happen. So I know that I need to stay calm and handle any situation I'm part of or trying to defuse before things go crazy. 

that is one of the things I talked with my staff about before I had wished them all a great rest of their day.

After they left I checked over everything before I went to head towards the front to leave when this tall dude walked in.

"Hi"I greeted

"Hello" He replied

"can I help you?" I asked

"I seen this was a clinic and I need patched up" he says

I nodded my head and motioned for him to follow me.

having him sit on the exam bed I walked over towards the gloves and grabbed a pair.

"alright all I need to know is where its at and I'll take over from there" I tell him as I slipped on some gloves.

He used his right hand to point to what looked to be a bullet graze.

"alright, lets get this looked at and taken care of" I say as I walked over and took a look closer at the wound.

"Nothing in need of serious treatment. needs cleaned then just a couple of stitches and then I'll bandage you up and send you on your way" I explained

"thank you" he says

"it's what I'm here for," I tell him before I grab all that I needed. before I got to work on cleaning the wound then started stitching him up.

"What kind of clinic is this?" he asked

"the one where we don't question your injuries we welcome any and all types of people. and we don't call the cops of something simple nor do we charge you outrageous prices for breathing and sitting in a chair" I explained

"so if someone is shot you don't ask what happened just tend to them?" he asked

"yep" I replied

"When are the cops called?" he asked

"if a patient is off their rocker wanting to harm me, my staff or their selves. or if a patient had passed" I replied

"I'm Rane by the way but my buddies and brothers call me Quinn," he says

"I'm Raina or Dr. Dozier" I replied

"nice to meet you" he says

I smiled as I finished up then patched him up.

"you as well Mr.Quinn"  I replied before I removed my closes after tossing and discarding the needle properly.

"No Mr. just Quinn or Rane," he says

"fair enough" I replied

"what do I owe you?" he asked,

"that I'll let be like a little freebie." I tell him

"than kyou for tending to me" he says

"its no trouble at all," I tell him before I walk with him out the exam room and head out the clinic where I lock up.

"Stay safe out there Rane," I tell him

"you as well Raina" he says

 I waved bye and walked off towards my car while he walked across the street to the garage.

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