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The first time Quinn and I made love it was soft and sensational.

 He had come back to help the sons since some of the guys were locked up and Opie was the one in charge.

When he wasn't helping Opie and other others he was at my place making soft sweet love to me. 

Half the time when we could take things slowly we'd fuck and just ravish each other.

But the one we enjoy most is the type of pleasure we are experiencing now.

He held my hands by my head as my legs were wrapped around his waist and he was thrusting inside of me. 

I was a moaning mess. while he just pleasured my body in ways only he knew how to.

when he'd let my hands go I rake my fingers through his hair and pull him down to kiss me as he angled my hips more by lifting my knees higher up my body.

"Ughh...RANE" I gasped as I climaxed coating his cock with my cum.

"your mine from this point forth. no other man will touch you like this .cause if they do I will shot them" he tells me as he sits up and plays with my breast tweaking and pinching my perk nipples before he fully sits up and moves my body so I was laying side ways.

"then your mine and I better never find out some skank fucked you or you fucked her cause I will cut a slut and be highly pissed at you" I finally managed to reply after my brain went back to normal from all the pleasure I was feeling being dicked down but this big man.

"I don't want any crowpussy, or pussy that isn't yours" he clarified.

"and I only want this dick inside of me. pleasuring me coating my walls and fucking me dumb" I replied

He leaned over my hip and started kissing me before I moved myself till I was laying flat on my stomach and he laid on top of me.

"Urghhh...." I moaned before I started pushing back making him moan nad grab hold of my hips.

"I love felling your walls tighten around my cock and suck me in deeper" he commented

"I love everything you do to me" I replied before We both got up on our knees and he held me to his body.

I grabbed his hands placing one on my throat and had him squeeze while the other I placed on my breast.

"Own me in ways only a lover could" I verbalize as I laid my head back against his shoulder giving him all the controls over my body.

He didn't fail to do just as I asked.

I climaxed more times than I had ever done when being sexually active with someone.

His hand holding my throat felt so dominating which that along had me cumming. and the hand that was on my breath groping and pinching felt so wonderful. it had my pussy pulsating.

He pushed down onto my hands and grabbed hold of my hips and started fucking me like a bitch.

I fisted the sheets and cried out every time I orgamsed.

When he finally recheed his high my pussy started pulsating more as she tried sucking him much deeper than what he was.

"Stay" I tell him as he dropped on top of me.

"I don't wanna hurt you" he says

"im not feeling pain. I feel comfortable." I tell him

He did as I asked as stayed laying on top of me while his cock was still deep inside.

Next day when I woke we were laying on our sides. his arm was covering my breast. I smiled before closing my eyes again till he started to move which with him still being inside of me got my pussy to start pulsating again.

"Morning baby" he greeted

"Mmmm... it is indeed" I replied before I lifted my up my leg and dropped it over his hips as he started making love to me.

"can we do this forever?" I asked

"We can cause I'm patching SAMCRO. I'm not leaving you again" he says lifted up partly 

I laid my head back and turned slightly as I looked up at him.

"good. I've missed you so much" I tell him before reaching up and pulling him down.

We spent a grand majority of our morning making love. we moved from the bed to the shower then took it to the livingroom.

"when you get that patch you are living with me. I want to experience all we had done since you've been back here. I don't wanan wake up anymore alone. I wanan be in your arms. I wanna fall asleep in your arms or how we done last night." I tell him

"Just try and keep me from being with you" he says before kissing me.

I smiled and pecked his lips.

"you be careful out there and come back to me whole" I tell him

"I will do my damdest." he replied

I gave another kiss before his phone went off and he had to leave.

"Love you" I called after him

"Love you more" he replied

I know from this point forth my life is gonna be so different and I'm actually ready for it.

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