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Between the shit with Ethan and the crap with Jackson I wasn't in no partying mood despite me being able to spend time with Rane more than what we had.

I just headed home got cleaned up and tried to relax but with the sound of a Harley coming down the road I knew that wasn't gonna happen.

I sat on my couch waiting to see who it was that was coming to ask more questions.

When the door opened I knew it was Rane. so hopefully he won't pull Jackson's shit and try to accuse me of shit or make any accusations.

Rane walked in closed the door and came over to sit across from me and laid back in the chair.

"not up for partying with your brothers?" I asked

"I've spent some time with them. and welcomed those who just got back home," he replied

"I figured you'd been there all night," I tell him

"I would've had you shown up. but you didn't so I came home to you" he says

"I'm in no mood to party or do anything," I tell him

"wanna talk about what happened?" he asked

I rubbed my face before dropping my hands and looking at him as I sat up straight.

"It was sometime after you and the others left to get the sons that were locked up. when this guy in his fancy car shows up and introduced himself. then he proceeds to ask me what I wanted for my Clinic. I told him it was not for sale but he asked me to name a price. and I told him I'm not selling it. he told me one way or another he'd get my clinic. I ignored him not wanting to deal with him. but he wanted to make sure I got the message that he'd do what he wanted in order to get my clinic cause when I got back from lunch one of my receptionist told me how he came into the clinic and started causing a disturbance and other things to the point they called the cops to escort him out of there. After I went back to work and handled everything once my staff left Jackson and some of the others that were locked up came in and started asking me about my connection to Ethan. and it's bullshit that I'm being excused or questioned about my connections when I've been nothing but helpful with the sons yet Jackson thinks I'm gonna fucking drop their ass and go for some nazi guy." I tell him 

"not to mention the fact the fucking threatened to kill me if I was having any sort of connecting to that nazi asshole. telling me he's just making sure I'm not turning my back on the sons cause he'd hate to kill off a brother's ol'lady" I tell Quinn

"what the fuck?" he asked

 before getting up and going to walk out the door.

"come on your taking this shit to JT" he says

I followed him to the door where I slipped my shoes on and grabbed what I needed before I headed out behind Quinn.

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