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With Rane working with Opie helping him handle things and me working at my clinic dealing with everyday patience. We've hardly had any more intimate time with each other. Or just time to be with each other in general.

Practically the only time we get is when we arrive home and curl up with one another in bed. or where the other is crashed out whether it's the couch or not.

Sometimes when we see the other crashed on the couch we will nudge the other awake and go to bed. other times we'd just curl up with them or not far from them and crash out till the other wakes and gets us moving towards the bedroom.

It's got to the point where I told Rane that whenever he comes home and I'm sleeping. I'd like for him to make love to me. 

He was a little skeptical but the more he and I talked about it the more he realized that with how crazy his and my work and day have been that would be the only time we'd ever get to be intimate with each other.

So we've both come to the agreement that if he was home before me and asleep I could make love to him. & if I was home before him and asleep he could make love to me.

Which is just what we've been doing. and waking up to the feeling of him inside of me is very pleasing. just like it is watching him watch up to me riding him.

Sometimes though it's rare we try to spend lunch with each other depending on if the other is free or not. 

Now here I am busy handling patients in my clinic when some of the sons rushed in needing aid.

So I rushed over and help get them taken back to a room where the guys get their brother situated before I get to work on examining their injury and start tending to them. 

I talk them through the whole thing so they know what to expect whether it's coldness or pain so they could brace themselves.

Once they are stitched up and bandaged they thank me before leaving and I went back about my day.

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