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Since Rane's and my date, he had to leave. but we kept in contact when he could call since I never knew if he kept the same phone or number.

And it seems as though I've been put on the son's payroll and their doctor. cause every time something happens to them. they come to me or call me for help and I go to help. being the caring doctor I am.

I've heard plenty of crazy shit and basically everything they are involved in.

and Gemma has given me the whole. you rat we kill you talk but I've assured her I'm not gonna utter a word. 

the other day I was tending to one of the sons in their clubhouse when it was getting raided and I was grabbed and taken away where they tried their damndest to get something out of me. and the whole time Unser was there as was my attorney and my ADHD drove the cop up the wall since I never stayed on topic. I blended multipule things that had nothing to do with their questions.

like right now I'm being interrogated with my attorney and under in the room. and the cop was about to lose his shit.

"tell me what are the sons plans?"

"to shine brightly and grace this world with enough light to see when the humans and other things with eyes open their eyes. some times its a pain in the rear end when you look up at it and start to get blurry eyes and sneeze." I replied

"not the Sun the sons  the motorcycle club you've been hanging with," the cop says

"did you know that you can remove a spliter with duct tape and that compound w can remove more than warts. & that pinsol can rid of flies" I replied

"you're not answering me," they say

"I'm telling you what I know since you've asked what I know" I replied

"your giving me nothing" he says

"I'm giving you helpful tips for you to use outside of work" I replied

he looks at me and leaves.

"are you ok?" under asked

"oh yea I'm fine. can I leave" I replied

"yea your free to go." he says

I smiled and thanked him before thanking my attorney.

I walked out of there and right into the sons.

"what happened?" they asked

"lets talk at the lot" Unser said since he followed me out.

"your riding with one of the guys" Gemma ordered

I nodded my head and slipped on the back of Chibzzy's bike.

Once we walked into the clubhouse they all sat there looking at me.

"tell us what happened" JT says

"I didn't rat" I replied

"what did you do?" Gemma asked

"she drove hale insane" Unser said while smiling

"How?" Opie asked

"I have ADHD and half the time I can blend two conversations together or go completely off topic. which when he asked me questions about you all I went fully off topic." I tell them

they looked at me a bit confused.

"he had asked her what ate the sons plans and she talked about the Sun not you all" Unser says

"then what?" JT asked

"I gave him random facts about compound w, duct tape, and pinsol. which he just got agitated and left." I replied

"so nothing out of your mouth was about what you've seen or heard?" JT asked

"not a word." I replied

"she didn't say anything about SAMCRO" Unser says

"good girl" Gemma says

"it was fun watching him about lose his shit," I tell them

"I'd love to had seen the whole ordeal" Jaxx says

"who knows what will happen with Raina on our payroll and being the sons' doctor," Opie says

I shrugged 

"do ADHD people really blend different conversations together and go off topic?" Tigs asked

"Yea a gran majority of us will be having a conversation then something pops up in our head or we recall something and bam we are talking about something totally off topic at hand. & some times we just talk about something random." I answered

They were all happy that I didn't rat and that they had nothing to worry about me snitching on them or anything of sorts.

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