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Rane's pov~

I walked from the clinic back to Teller Garage where I seen Gemma standing.

"Afternoon Gemma" I greeted

"hi Quinn" she says as she brushed some of her hair back.

"you ok?" I asked

"what is that place?" she asked gesturing towards the clinic I knew sshe'd seen me leaving.

"that is a place that could be helpful for us sons as well as other people" I replied

"How so?" she asked

" well the lady that walked out with me her name is Dr. Dozeir and she said the clinic was the type where they ask no questions just tend to the patient and send them on their way. no contact with cops at all. the only time cops are called is one someone is off their rocker threatening to harm the staff, themselves or anyone else in general. & or someone had passed away there. she said that they don't judge anyone that they welcome all and don't charge outrageous prices just for sitting n a chair or breathing" I answered

"howling was you over there to find that out?" she asked

"long enough to get my bullet wound cleaned and stitched." I replied

"well be sure to mention it to JT and see what he wants to do" she says

I nodded my head before I walked off into the clubhouse while Gemma went back to her gargage office.

"Where have you been brotha?" Jax asked

"I went to get my wound checked out" I replied

"chibs could've done it," he says

"didn't know when he was to return so I went to the clinic across the street," I tell him

he looked at me a bit confused.

"it's not fully opened yet. but it could do us some good." I tell him

"How so?" he asked

"can you call church and I'll explain it all?" I asked

"sure," he says before walking off.

I sat there drinking a beer waiting for everyone to come to the clubhouse so we can head into the church and talk about the new business.

Once everyone showed up we all headed into the church.

"alright so there is a new clinic thats across the street that Quinn thinks could do us some good. so if you will take the floor and we will go from there" JT says so appernelty Jax filled him in on the whole ordeal.

"Paradise Horizion Clinic is one where they don't question your injuries, they don't call the cops. they just tend to the patient and send them on their way once treated." I start of

"so how could this help us?" Bobby asked

"no questions about wounds or anything" I tell him

"how do you know?" Opie asked

"I just left there after getting my wound taken care of. the doctor didn't ask anything just had me show her where the injury was and then after she examined it she cleaned it then stitched it. didn't ask what happened. how I get the bullet graze or anything. I didn't even file any police report or paper work. though the paper work for me being there is probably due to it not fully being open" I explained

"so this doctor...I'm guessing" JT starts

I nodded my head that he guessed right.

"she has the building across the road where she welcomes you in with no questions of how you got hurt or anything?" he asked

"right" I replied

"Ok so explain the whole thing just so we all have a clear understanding of this place" Tig says

"Dr.Dozier who is the lady who tended to my injury. she has a clinic thats across the road that welcomes anyone and everyone. they don't question no injuries or anything. they don't cal lthe cops unless the staff is threatened, the person who is threating harm is off their rocker wanting to do serious damage to someone or themselves. or if someone had passed away in the clinic. no injury regardless of what it is will be reported to the cops. the patient will not be charge outrageous prices for things such as breathing or sitting in a chair. " I say

"I'm with Quinn on thinking this could be good place for us" Piney says

"aye me too" Chibs replied

"same here" Jax says

"yep" Happy agreed

"I'm not to sure man" Tigs says

"think about It Tig. you go there with a bullet wound or knife and they don't ask what happened, they just want to know where the injury is and tend to you. no cops are called or anything. your taken care of and sent on your way.  Where in a hospital, they get really nosy wanting to know everything" Jax says

"I agree that this would aid us " Opie says

"Same here" JT says

"alright but if we have cops on our asses cause this new piece of ass claiming to not report us don't say I didn't warn you," Tig says

"Quinn, did she ask you about your injury or did just want to know the location?" Piney asked

"she just wanted to know its location" I answered

"see nothing personal or nosy," Opie says

"alright," Tig says

"when opening da happens we'll welcome her in and talk with her" JT says

we all nodded our heads before he pounded the gavel and we all left.

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