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After everyone that was someone of importance to the sons went into lockdown.JT briefed the other charters who came to help on what happened while I talked with my staff telling them I was gonna be unavailable for a while but if they needed me just call.

In between helping Gemma heal and making sure everyone else that was hurt or injured was tended to I managed to find time to get Quinn's crow and another tattoo. which we placed on my side while I got a black heart with flames and his last name in the middle put right over my pussy.

Which will be a surprise for him since he wasn't made aware of that tattoo.

Now here I am taking care of some of the visiting charter sons that were shot while the so called baby doctor was trying to tell me what to do despite me telling her I know what I'm doing.

"you're doing it wrong" she says

"Escort her out of this room please," I say

"No I'm a doctor and your a nobody," she says as two of the other charter sons did like I asked

Once she was out they blocked the door so she'd not come back in.

"Our mother charter trusts you with their injuries and you owning your own Clinic tells us we can trust you to help us" one of the presidents said.

"thank you " I replied before going back to what I was doing.

Once I finished with him his brothers carefully took him out of the room and headed off towards the apartment he was gonna use.

After everyone that needed my assistance was tended to I walked out of the church room and headed right for the bar.

"Kip if you don't mind can I have some water please?" I asked

"sure" he says before he bent down and got it but Tara snatched and dumped it on my head

I looked at her and saw her standing there looking proud of herself.

"that the best you got?" I ask

"be glad I didn't break a beer bottle over your head" she said

"the minute you try I'll break it off in your fucking ass," I tell her as I stood before her.

"you need to leave, you're nothing to these men" she says

"and what are you to them besides Jackson's cock warmer for the time being?" I asked

"I'm his ol lady" she says

"good for you" I replied

"get out" she says

"no" I replied

 she went to touch me but I grabbed her wrist.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you ever try touching me and I'll will break my foot off in your fucking ass. and the next time you come in where I'm tending to my patients and try telling me what to do like your the greatest doctor. I will pop you in the fucking mouth and toss your ass like the fucking piece of trash you are" I tell her before I drop her hand.

"your a nobody" she says stepping closer to my face

"if you don't get your skinny ass out of my face your little body guard will have to pick your bloodied body up off the floor" I wanted

She laughed like I told a joke before trying to lay hands on me again.

 I grabbed her hands and the back of her head and slammed her head on the bar top before I threw her ass on the floor and watched as she bled.

"no let that be a lesson on what will happen you ever try to touch me and as for me not belonging here," I say

 I lift up the side of my shirt.

"that's Quinn's crow you fucking dipshit" I replied before dropping my shirt and walking off leaving Jax to pick his blood cock warming whore up.

"you ok baby?" Gemma asked handing me a towel

I looked at her before taking the towel and started wringing the water out.

"Yea. how are you feeling?" I asked

"thanks to you I'm getting there. some pain still but not like it was" she says

"good, just keep taking it easy and don't overdue yourself. your body knows when its ready to be back to its old kickass ways" I tell her

she smiled and nodded 

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