Chapter 16: Peeta's POV:

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"I'm sorry, but there is no one here that is named Dr. Pinesburough." One of the doctors tell me. They shake their head like they feel sorry for me. "I'm not going crazy! I swear someone came in my room to check on me last night named Dr. Pinesburogh! I swear!" I yell. They back off a little because they think I'm about to go on a rampage again. "We are sorry Peeta. We can check again, but no one here has that name." I shudder out a breath. "Ok...ok...sorry." When she looked at me, I felt like I knew her. It was too dark though and she had that doctors hat on. All of this is making me have a headache. "Are you ok? You're getting a little pale." My doctor asks. I feel lightheaded and for some reason him asking me that makes me angry. "What? Now your suddenly worried about me?! You didn't seem to worried when I was asking about this mystery doctor!" I yell. I jump out of the bed and run over to him and pin him up against the wall with my arm. My mind sees so many things. Katniss stabbing my parents to death, burning district 12, her torturing me in the Capitol, the visions go on and on. Alarms start going off and doctors come to try and push me off of him, but I am unstoppable. I twirl around and butt one of them in the head with my elbow. They fall to the ground as I turn to the next guard and punch him across the face. I grab the doctor that I had pinned up against the wall. "You are going to lead me to Katniss Everdeen right now." I hiss. "Or pay the consequences." He scrambles up and stares at me. "No. That is against..." I pick him up and slam him into the wall and he cries out in pain. "DONT MESS WITH ME!" I scream. I'm wild, unable to be controlled. I think I knocked him out because he lays unmoving on the floor except for the rise and fall of his chest. The alarms are still going off so I run towards the door and out into the hallway. I sprint towards the end of the hall and out of the hospital wing. The walls are darker now as I run towards the nearest living quarters. I don't even bother looking to see whose they are as I swing open the door and then slam it shut. My breath is heavy and uneven and I'm shaking again. The small window in the corner of the door fogs up as I breath heavily on it, looking for doctors who are chasing me. I'm finally starting to calm down, and ready to start looking for Katniss and end this once and for all, when I remember that I'm in someone's living quarters. I freeze as I hear light breathing behind me and I slowly turn around to see a girl asleep on her bed. She's not facing me, and I'm about to dismiss this and leave, when she starts tossing and turning. She turns toward me, still asleep, when I see her face. It's Katniss.

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