Chapter 36: Peeta's POV:

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I follow Haymich into Katniss's room so I can see her again. I have had no luck with trying to come back to my life. I feel like I've tried everything and it's so hard not being able to do anything. As the door slams shut behind me, I see Katniss on the ground balling and shaking uncontrollably. Even Haymich has tears in his eyes. I run up to Katniss and fall to my knees beside her, trying with all my might to get through to her. "Shh it's ok! I'm here....I'm here." Now I'm crying because I know now that there is nothing I can do for her, she can't hear me. I go to wrap her in my arms, but I collapse onto the floor instead. I completely lose it. "KATNISS PLEASE HEAR ME!!!" I scream. I sit in front of her and stare into her eyes with so much desperation for human closeness it hurts. I want anything but being ignored and not heard or felt at all for the past few hours. She looks up at me slowly, straight through me, but it still makes me catch my breath. Haymich is hugging her whispering soothing things to her as he cries as well. I'm glad that he can at least comfort her while I can't, because I see her calm slightly. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the locket I gave her along with the pearl. She kept them. All this time, she has kept the only gifts I could give to her besides my protection. She holds them up to her chest and closes her eyes with a small sigh. "You promised..." She whispers so soft that I can barely hear her. A tear rolls down my cheek and guilt washes over me. "I'm sorry....I'm so sorry...I'm trying, I really am." I whisper to her, even though she can't hear me. Katniss suddenly sits up a little straighter and has a sense of purpose when she speaks. "I want to see him." She tells Haymich. Haymich stutters. "Umm...I don't know about that sweetheart. Visitors aren't aloud in rooms where patients have died." I have never seen Katniss more angry in my life when she speaks next. "I'm seeing him whether it's legal or not. Are you coming?" She grits her teeth as she stands up. Haymich smiles slightly. "Well you haven't changed at all. Yes, of course I'm coming." They both stand up and I follow them out of the room. I want to be there when Katniss sees me. Since it might be the last.

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