Chapter 18: Katniss's POV:

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"NO! PEETA!" I scream as I thrash against the guards to get back to him. "LET ME GO!" I scream. He lays passed out on the floor with a sickly color to his face. A few guards walk over to lift him onto a gurney and they wheel him past me and back towards his room. He can't be banned from 13. I only have two weeks to save him from being abandoned. A tear runs down my cheek because I can't help but think of all the times I have abandoned him, when he was trapped in the Capitol, when I left him by the Lightning tree, all the times I took his love for granted. It's all to much and I break down crying while the guards drag me back to my room and shut the door. I lay on the floor in the fettle position and I can't help but think back to what Finnick had said to me about wanting everyone to be dead, including us. It would be so much easier that way, wouldn't it? But if I died, no one would help Peeta, no one would bring the Capitol down, and I would leave Prim and my mother behind. No, I can't die, not now. I force myself to sit up and I am suddenly very determined and angry at everyone. I'm going to visit Peeta as a doctor again tonight to make sure he's ok and I'm going to make sure that we get out of here alive, whether Coin likes it or not. I stand up and walk out of my room to go find Finnick, because I think that he will help me out. I find him next to Annie on a small bench in the cafeteria. "Finnick can I talk to you?" I ask. "Sure. I'll be right back Annie." He leans in and kisses her and I feel a pang of jealousy for a moment, wishing I could have Peeta. "So what's up?" He asks. I take a deep breath and then tell him everything that's happened. Me visiting him as a doctor, him trying to kill me, Coin banishing him, everything. He sits and listens and when I'm finished he sighs. "I'm so sorry Katniss, so do you have a plan on how we are going to make sure he doesn't get banished?" He asks. I smile. "Of course I do Finnick, you just have to be 100% with me on this one." "Of course I am." "Ok good." I smile and tell him the plan. Shaking his head, he says "Katniss if we get caught, we could be killed on the spot, but it's worth it if it gets me and Annie out of here." He walks back over to Annie and kisses her softly and I feel that pang of jealousy again. I can almost feel Peeta's lips on mine in the quarter quell as I stand there. But that will never happen, he is hijacked. He hates me, even if he only hates me some the time, he still hates me. But I am going to at least make sure he's safe. Away from all of this and from me.

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