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I walked, my feet bringing me further and further away from the house, and further away from Luke. As minutes turned into hours, my thoughts turned into tears that streamed endlessly down my cheeks. " how could he do this to me? Was everything he ever said a lie. God calum get a grip on reality, Luke obviously still has feelings for Michael" I rambled on to myself like a mad man. Who was I to get In between them? I found myself seated on a small metal bench on the edge of town. The cold black metal sending chills down my body. How is it possible to be so numb but feel everything at once? Luke was my one and only, am only one of many ?

The cold burning sensation of the bench hit my cheeks as I lay down. I gasped in a deep sigh, turning on my back as I did, trying to get comfortable. But it was no use. No where was comfortable unless it was in Luke's arms. Images of Michael and Luke glossed over Calum's eyes, igniting the anger inside of him. The images burned within him, and fueled his motive to leave further. He turned on his side, doing his best to get any sort of sleep without Luke, without his world in his arms. My eyes began to get heavy with sleep, but as my eyelids shut images of Luke flashed through my mind. HIs eyes as blue as the Australian shore, his lips, so soft, so sweet, always fighting off the devil that is inside of me.

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