The Success in Ten (Moira MacTaggert, aka Moira X)

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"You know... You can come out if you want to talk" Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, was sitting on a bench near one of the gates that lead to Krakoa. Said gates were only able to be used by people who had the X-Gene in their blood, which in other words meant that only mutants were able to pass through those floral gates. Though he wasn't paying attention to the gate itself, but rather to the one hiding in the shadows of the park. He glanced back to see Moira MacTaggert walking into the light. "You don't have to watch me from afar. You look like Venom trying to stalk me"

"Sorry..." She whispered, still walking to the bench where the hero was sitting. She was cautious, her hands trembling slightly as she moved ahead. It was tiresome to try and face her fears, experiencing each and every fear from all nine of her past lives and her current one. "May I?" She asked, only gaining a nod from the arachnid hero. She tried to be as silent as possible, but even with that he had been able to notice her. It was confusing her to no end. "How did you notice me?"

"I have enhanced senses, you know..." She sweatdropped, almost forgetting that the man beside her could face off against many goliaths and still come out on top. She could even hear him sigh, which prompted her to look at him. He was looking towards the sky, his lenses almost closed. Though it was not long before the lenses opened up again and glanced at her. "You could be a mile away and I would still be able to hear you"

"Right... I forgot" Peter shrugged, a slight smile on his face as he heard the simple statement from the woman who had lived nine lives and is currently living her tenth life. He couldn't possibly imagine actually living more than one life, though it was not really that far fetched. He had come back from the dead, so this should technically be his second life. Or third life, he really didn't even remember which one it was.

"You know... Xavier has talked to me about you, Moira" She watched carefully the hero beside her. She didn't know what kind of information the man knew about her. She obviously hoped that it would be none at all, but even she knew that if Spider-Man had really talked with Charles then he knew quite a bit. She stayed silent however, waiting for him to say something. "Just how each of your previous lives failed your purpose to bring hope for mutant-kind. I admire you for that, you know..."


"But from what Charles explained, I was able to come to one conclusion" She immediately shut her mouth. She was thankful for the words of the hero. Gaining the admiration of someone, was a huge deal to her. She had done many things that she actually regrets in her past lives. But through all of those times, she was seeking a way for mutants to live in peace. "You always thought of going in one same direction"

"Impossible" She quickly denied. She was remembering each and every single one of her lives. She hated to even remember them, but she knew for certain that she had done everything different. Choosing different paths to try and accomplish her purpose, to give mutants a more peaceful life. She couldn't really comprehend what the hero was talking to her about. "I always did something different to the last one"

"But you always ended up making the same mistake" Peter sighed, shifting his body slightly to face the brown haired woman. She was looking down at her knees, her big round earrings waving slightly with the wind. "Your desire to see freedom and progress made you want to skip from one place to another" He could see in her face just how the pieces were falling together. He knew that she was smart, being a doctor made her understand what he was trying to say. To be able to analyze each word that came out of his mouth. "When you knew that what was in between were there because they were needed"


"Yes... You needed Homo Sapiens to accomplish what you wanted" She just stared at him. Her eyes were slightly wide, her mind trying to find ways to explain that none-mutants would not be able to help her on her goal in any way. But the more that she actually thought about it, the more she noticed that he was telling her the truth. She glanced to the side, watching the park in slight silence. Her mind kept repeating the sentence over and over again. "You needed someone unrelated to the X-Gene to be able to be successful. It could have been a child, an adult, or an elder; anyone would have been able to help you on your mission"

"Even you?" She asked, receiving a slight nod from the arachnid hero. She stared intensely at the man. She was proud of what her kind had accomplished, even getting their own island to be free was something that she could have never expected in any of her previous lives. And even then, she knew that the peace would not last. Something was looming over their shoulders, something that would cause them to seek help.

"Even me..." Peter repeated, just watching the mutant with a slight smile. He was actually glad that he had been able to tell her all of this. To be able to help his friends indirectly. He knew that they didn't want his help, no one did actually. He knew when he was not needed, he was an expert in those sorts of events. "I'll be taking my leave, Moira... Have a nice night"

"You too..." She didn't know why he went away, their conversation getting her interest quite a bit. But her mind was still reeling from the fact that if mutants and humans worked together, she would have been able to seek what she wanted. And it was then that an idea occurred to her. It was crazy, something that probably Deadpool would do, but it was an idea nonetheless. "Wait!"

"Moira?" She reached him, running slightly towards him. She could see his confused face through the lenses. She needed to guarantee herself that her kind would be able to have peace. She has always desired to be able to finally be able to finish what has always been a dream to her. "What's-"

"Would... Would you help me? Accomplish my goals..." She needed confirmation from him. She had already stopped believing that the path that she took many lives ago would forever turn unexplored. But while talking with Spider-Man she understood that she was not looking at the road to success. She was just looking at all the roads that lead to failure.

"Of course, Moira" She smiled at the hero. She couldn't even express herself enough to let him know just how grateful she was that he was going to help her. So she gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made her blush slightly. She even saw just how the lenses of his mask widened in shock a bit. She smiled a bit at the sight of the shocked and confused hero in front of her. "W-What was that for?"

"Thanking you... Will see each other soon..." She finally said, walking towards the gate that would lead her to her home. She looked back, watching just how the hero was already swinging away. She was definitely looking forward to what she would be able to achieve with the help of the arachnid hero by her side. She could finally be able to accomplish her long-term goal, and she would be able to do it if he was there by her side. She just hope that she would really be able to finally bring true peace to her people.

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