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Taehyung permit Leeknow in to come in room. Leeknow came and greet Taehyung. "Nice meeting you Mr.Kim." He said Taehyung nod his head and signal him to sit and pour some wine in two glasses. Leeknow sit on couch which beside his bed. And Taehyung sat on bed facing leeknow. "What brings you here Lee." Taehyung says as he sip his wine staring at leeknow. "I'm here to deliver something which I belongs to you, but first let me tell you my second reason of my arrival. As Juhi is no more. So Allures are gonna separate and gonna merge into Kim's, Park's, Jeon's, EXO and still half  Part will work as Allures under observation of Adrian,  Aces  Chris. And stray kids" Leeknow says making Taehyung frown and confused as he questioned him. "What's Exo and stray kids doing in this matter or are making this by your own to increase your power." Taehyung ask raising his eyebrow in doubtful voice. "  "Sir you believe or not Exo is much more power than Kim's with or without Allures but the fact that group is no more interested into this stuff and speaking of Straykids there most loyal group for Juhi. If we want we can be independent as Juhi is no more according to bond she created for this suitation but we still are working under Allures to protect it in absence of Juhi. I don't think Exo or even stray kids don't care if you trust us or not." Leeknow speak in full confidence staring directly into Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung just sigh and speak. "No wonder your from Juhi's most trust and favorite gang" Taehyung says and sip over his wine.

Taehyung know both Gangs are powerful and trustworthy atleast for Allures. Exo is mysterious gang which only shows up when things are outof hands or someone attack them first. They are silent but brilliant they how how to attack where and How much juhi is fond of them. Speaking of Stray kids, she created that group for backup support and undercover missions.  Straykids never disappointed Juhi. For them Juhi is younger sister in personal and professional best boss they have ever come across. Taehyung knows that until he didn't go against them they are no harm to him.

"That's all I want to tell you and this is file where everything is written and has Juhi's sign and this is letter from juhi to you." "Now I shouldn't take my leave." Leeknow hand papers and letter in Taehyung's hand and head out of room but before that he said something which make Taehyung shock "Mr.Kim I think you should watch over Yuna. She is harm to you and young one." Leeknow said referring to Taehyung's new born baby. "And One more thing i wanna tell you. You have to be strong, things may can get worse. Don't stress to much. She is watching over you." Leeknow said and leave the room.

Taehyung remain silent and look over the envelope which is in purple color and golden ribbon wrapped around it.

Taehyung remain silent and look over the envelope which is in purple color and golden ribbon wrapped around it

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He smile seeing it and slowly untied the ribbon opening it. There lies letter he take out it and place envelope but before reading it he order stephan not distrub him and closed the door and sit on bed and open the letter.

For my teddy bear..

So I don't know how to start this but I really really miss you soo much my love. If I'm giving you this letter because I'm not right there with you. I regret for not giving you proper bid before leave. I truly sorry for that. Hope you not get angry on me.. you know Tae it's really painful. My heart is aching too much which writing this. Tae, sometimes I think can't we live like other normal couples. Whenever I think that our life is going smoothly there always storm come making us separate. I am tired of this life. I want some break. So I take it. If I tell you this earlier you will have never let me go or tried ways to stick with me always but I don't want that I want you to focus on yourself Tae. I realize that it's been hard for you, really hard as no one ever ask you about yourself they always come and talk about themselves. Even me whenever we were together you never speak about your mental problems but always talk bout mine and take care of me forgetting your. Please Tae focus on yourself also. Please don't cry. I know you must be crying while reading this. I'm too crying while writing this. Teddy bear you have to stay strong. Your pillar of our family. If you get weaken then whole empire will fall down bit that doesn't you should forget yourself. Send time with yourself also. Don't miss me too much. Don't pull act that last time you pulled when Dad separate us. You nearly wipe out whole gang and killed everyone one mercilessly and became living zombie you literally isolated yourself and whenever you come out your kill the people. I myself was to afraid to face you even knowing that you'll never harm me. Don't you do that again your my Teddy bear not monster or beast except when your in bed. Oh sorry where I'm going I don't know and gave your attention to junior Kim. As you show your care, love and protectiveness over show much more to Junior Kim. But don't spoil him because that right goes to me. Even if you agree or not I declare myself as God mother of that child. And also take care Jungkook and jiminie. They became most sensitive right now. I don't believe that I made 3 most merciless and dangerous mafia vulnerable. But anyways they have there partners. And about my Allures look over them time to time Allures is not only gang they are like my child to me. But first of all you better take care of yourself KIM TAEHYUNG. And be cautious about Yuna. She is fucking backstabber I know everything about her but I  ain't going to tell you that's your task find out by yourself. I'm telling you again that YOU BETTER TAKE CARE OF YOUR SELF. I love you my love. I love you so so much. Don't miss me too much but also don't forget me and miss me. Lastly be cautiou about your surroundings I'm watching over you. Bye My teddy bear.
I love you........

Your Queen and wife

By now Taehyung is crying mess. Until now he tried so hard to control his tears from news of Juhi's death. But now he didn't try and cried hard while clutching over heart. His heart is aching too much like someone rip it from his chest but somewhere he is relieved too. "I love you too" he whisper and fall into deep slumber. While holding letter to his heart.


To be continued.....


T H A N K S  F O R  R E A D I N G




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