First Job Request

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        Mara P.O.V

        I made it to my destination quickly, in less time than I thought it would have taken. I looked down at the flier one last time, looking up I noticed that there wasn't a soul in sight. And when I say no body, I mean no body.

       I made my way into the village more when I heard a shatter. I looked in the direction, not finding anybody. I walked up to the small beat-up looking house. In fact, all of the houses looked small, broken, some of them were even torched to the ground. I walked all the way up to the house and brought my fist up to the door and knocked on it. I waited a minute or so but didn't hear anything come from the inside. I knew someone was in there. They just broke something a minute ago. I knocked again. This is taking foreeever..

"Hello? I'm here to help? Heard some creeps-" I started but was cut off by someone opening the door and pulling me inside roughly. I force myself to a stop, the person who pulled me in shut the door hastily. It was a slightly older gentleman, watching him boredly as he slowly makes his way to some more people, standing in front of them protectively. Behind him were three others. One was a woman, maybe the wife of the gentleman that pulled me in, and behind her were two small children. They clutched onto the woman's beat up looking dress. The man had dark brown hair graying in some spots and had dark blue eyes. The woman was wearing a dirty yellow dress, with light brown hair and had deep green eyes. Now that I think of it, she just might be the older guy's daughter. Whereas the two kids behind her might be her kids. Who knows..

"I'm here about the wizards terrorizing the place?" I tried confirming.
"How do we know you're not one of them? With that creepy looking cloak of you-" He started but I cut him off, holding up my palm for him to see.

"I'm with Fairy Tail." I said dropping my smile. The guy smiled at me and gestured me to follow him. I looked around the home. This place is so small. I trailed behind him into the kitchen, the woman and two kids following as well. The guy pulled out a seat and nodded for me to sit down.

"I know it might not look much but I am the one that put that flier up. You see a few weeks ago these wizards came into town, we thought they were friendly folks, but quickly did we notice they weren't friendly folk. They started harassing people around the village. I tried to stop them, most of the men here have. But sadly, nothing worked. None of us wield the power like they do. Soon things started getting worst. During the nights they'd start fires to some of the houses, terrorize the woman, even the children! Anybody that comes through here are eliminated. That's why I thought you were one of them, because none of them seemed to be going after you." The old man explained. I nodded my head, shrugging and started making my way for the front door I came in.

"What? Where are you going!?" He yells out, in fear and disappointment. More than likely thinking I was leaving.
"Are you leaving us?" I could hear one of the kids ask.
"I thought I came here to take care of your pest problem?" I smile amusingly.
"This'll be all over in a few minutes." I assure while opening the door and walking outside. I sighed not knowing where the wizard bandits were, so I did what came to mind. I jumped on top of the roof of the family's house I was just talking to.

"OI, WIZARD CREEPS! COME AND GET ME, BASTARDS!!"I yelled as loud as I could. I waited on top of the roof for a brief second when I saw some figures coming from the trees not too far off from where I was. I smiled and waited for them to get a bit closer before getting down from the roof.

"What did you just call us? You shouldn't have come to these parts.." One of them snarled at me. I cocked my head to the side ignoring the one that commented. Illusions. A lot of them went stiff, stopping as I placed most of them under a small little nightmare spell.  It doesn't always work to all of them in big groups, but it usually gets a chunk of them. The others turned to me in anger. One of them yelled out as he swung a fist at me. As I went to dodge it another summoned a spell and was about to use that on me. I deflected, using the one that was going to punch me as a shield. I grin and continued to fight the rest of them. I knocked all of them out besides the leader, but he too was in bad shape.

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