The Story Of Natsu and Happy

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"- and then he just stormed off. What a jerk!" Lucy continues her rant, finishing the encounter she had with Natsu. 

    You see it first started with Mirajane and I reorganizing the books out back, where all the records were held. I got bored and decided to help her, that's when Lucy came by. She was telling us about her little fight between Natsu and Happy. I guess when they went out fishing earlier, Natsu caught a fish and cooked it, while Happy wanted it raw. So, then Natsu ate it by himself and that's when Happy got mad talking about him and Natsu not being friends anymore. So then after he left, Lucy told Natsu that he should follow after him, but he didn't do anything. So, then she said that if he were to keep up the tough guy act, he's never going to a girl or something like that. And then he basically blew up on her, telling her to shut up. Yeahh...

"Maybe but that's what makes him so cute!" Mirajane laughs out.
"You really think so?" Lucy asked her confused. I side glance back at the two, continuing to put some books up.
"Of course!" She smiles still working on the books.
"You're attracted to Natsu's boy charms, aren't you?" She mocked. Lucy freaked and fell from the ladder she was standing on. I faltered, staying in place after putting the book up on a shelf.
"I'm leaving." I stated walking out of the room abruptly.
"H-hey, Mara, are you alright?" Lucy asked me. I grunted slightly, nodding my head and continued to walk out of the room.

"Stupid feelings. Stupid boys, stupid girl talk, stupid everything." I sulked kicking up the dirt as I walked through the forest.
"Could you keep it down, other people like to complain to themselves too, you know." I heard someone grumble loudly at me. Them disturbing my little pity party only irking me more.
"Yeah? Well, I don't care. Don't like it, to bad!" I snapped back at the voice, dropping to the ground where I stood. I crossed my arms, dropping down to sit crisscrossed.
"Mara?" The same person asked again. I turned around to face them and found Natsu standing there and looking at me dumbly. 
"Huh? What are you doing here? I thought you stormed off a while ago?" I asked as he made his way and sat down next to me.
"Kinda, I just went for a walk around the place." He sighed depressively.
"... So why'd you, do it?" I questioned.
"Do what?" He asked back dully.
"Snapped at Lucy." I reply, lying back on the ground with my arms crossed behind my head. He looks back, doing the same shortly.
"Because.. the why she said it... it reminded me of an old friend." He vaguely explains. I hum quietly to myself, the hood draped heavily over my face.
"You didn't have to get mad at her for that. You miss your friend so much, just go see them." I spoke.
"I can't if their dead now can I!?" He snapped back at me this time. I frowned.. hating myself for being so casual about it. I should have known better than to just assume. 
"I'm sorry." I apologized softly.

"She was part of the guild, back when we were all younger. She helped me take care of Happy, when he was only an egg. I remember it clearly..."

" It wasn't long after Gray and I got in another fight, Erza stepping in as always. She stopped it obviously and beat us both up. I remember leaving the guild and coming somewhere out here. I was hitting a tree that had Gray and Erza's picture on it. But then, when I hit it one last time an egg fell out of the tree. Haha, hit me right on the head." I couldn't help but chuckle out as he did, thumping himself on the head. He sighs, smiling as he looks back up at the sky. Reminiscing in his memories.

"I was so fascinated with it, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. And it was so pretty, the patterns on it I mean. So, I brought it back to the guild to show everyone. I didn't know what he meant at the time, but I asked gramps if he could hatch it for me. He said that that would "ruin the magic of new life." He said that I would know more when I'm older. Kinda funny now that I look back at it, after that Erza and Mirajane got in a fight afterwards, so I never really thought much of it at the time." He said laughing sometimes in between.

"Erza and Mirajane? Use to fight?" I asked him completely confused and shocked, finally registering that. Mirajane doesn't look like the fighting type.
"Yeah, I guess it's kinda shocking now that you think about it. Huh?" He laughed.
"Yeah, Mirajane seems so sweet and.. fragile now. It's just, hard to imagine her being so.. brute." I said side glancing him.
"I think we all changed since then, Mirajane, Gray, Erza, Elfman... me." His gaze on the sky turned into a sad one.

"It was while Mirajane and Erza were fighting that Lisanna, Mirajane and Elfman's little sister, came up to me and said the same thing Lucy said to me earlier. The tough guy thing. Even when I told her to shut up, she was still nice to me. She wanted to know if I needed help raising the egg. I was so excited, because someone actually cared about the egg other than Gray wanting to eat it... So, I let her help me. She said we had to keep it warm, so I thought my fire would help keep it warm. Hahah guess it wasn't exactly my greatest plan." I tried not to snort out, picturing him roasting the egg. I listened, him side glancing me quickly as he seems to smile to himself. I know I shouldn't have thought anything of the glance, I mean he's talking about a childhood crush, but still.. The look actually.. made my stomach do flips. What the hell is wrong with me? I mentally scolded.

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