Wendy Brings Back The Dead

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    We made it to the side of the cliff, peering over the edge to overlook the area below.

"Is this it? Wendy, Happy! " Natsu calls out loudly down at the place we were told to be their secret base.

"Hey quiet! Our enemy might be hiding down there!" The female cat whispered harshly at him. We waited a moment before something suddenly came racing at us. Oh gee not this guy again. I turned as he zoomed past us, punching Natsu back as he did so. Natsu quickly caught himself, facing the guy heatedly.

"What's this guy doing here? " I gaze up at the guy as he perches on top of a high branch above us.

"I can handle this dude, you guys need to get down there and help them." I nodded sharply at Gray's demand as Racer sped towards us, only to get tripped up on some ice. While that was happening Natsu tried to get Carla to use her wings to fly us down but she was a little out of sorts.

"Here ya go, you can use this." Gray yelled, making an ice ramp leading down below. I grinned, jumping down the slide, kicking off the end of it, landing a few feet away, waiting for Natsu to finish his descent. He stopped soon after, feeling slightly queasy from the ride down. I stood there irked for a second, turning to him with a raised fist.

"We don't have time for that, get over it!" I snapped quickly. He got over it shortly after, resuming his yelling for Happy and our newest friend Wendy.

"Happy, are you here?"

"Natsuuu! Help us!" We heard off in the distance. We gave each other a look, immediately running in the direction we heard Happy in. We ran up to a cave, entering it the moment we got to it, stopping dead in our tracks as we approached. I stood still as we all stared at the men in front of us, frozen in my spot. There stood Brain, the leader of Oracion Seis... as well as Jellal.

"No.. but how?"

"Natsu.. I thought we.."

"Natsu." I looked at Happy lying on the ground, not in a comfy way. Wendy, on the ground not far from Jellal, crying profuse apologies.

"..But I do too.. I owe him." She wept.

"Wendy! You used your healing magic on him?! What were you thinking, you know what that does to you." Wendy suddenly fell forward, guessing from lack of strength from bringing Jellal back. I stepped forward, wanting to get her and Happy out but stopped in my step as the newly revived man set his eyes on me. I get into stance.

"I don't know why you're here or where you came from, but you don't belong here!" Natsu charged at Jellal, magic ready in hand. However he was shot back by a beam of magic from Jellal in return. He collapsed into the wall, rubble falling around him. I take my eyes off Natsu, turning back to face the opposing men before me. I scowl at them, waiting for my opening.

"Thankfully your conviction didn't diminish your power." Brain says while walking up behind Jellal. The blue haired male slowly turned towards him before blasting him with magic as well. I tensed at this, taken aback he had shot his own comrade before recovering myself hastily. I jumped beside Wendy and Carla protectively, as Happy went and checked on Natsu as Jellal began to slowly make his way out. Damn it, I should try and take him down now.. but I need to know Wendy's gonna be okay first. Erza is top priority right now.. I shook with anger at my dilemma, growling to myself to the conflict I was feeling. I clenched the dirt as I let him leave, Happy slowly stepping by my side. I turned to him, still in a slew of emotions. Ones that begin to subside some as Happy looks at me tearfully.

"Are you okay Happy, did they hurt you guys?" I asked, looking him over as I pick him up. He shook his head, letting the tears fall.

"Wendy healed him and brought Jellal back. They made her." I sighed, holding the cat close for a moment before placing him back down. I glance over at the little Air dragon slayer. I crawl over to her the short distance, examining her over as Natsu shot up from his rubble.

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