Fairy Tail Beauty Contest

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"Mara! Come on, Mara. I know you're in there, open up! I got a deal I wanna make with you!" I hear Lucy call from the other side of my front door. I l groaned dramatically from my spot on the living room floor.
"Go away." I garble out.
"Come on, Mara. Open the door." Happy's voice pipes up this time. I only groan in response and let my head slam down on the floor.
"Doors open." I managed to say. They open the door and make their way in, the group of them.
"Hey Mara, what's wrong with you?" Gray spoke this time. I just hummed quietly.
"Going ...to puke, and so hungry..." I cried dramatically, clinging onto what last bit of life I had left.
"Maybe it's because she ate the etherion also." Happy interjects in speculation.
"I'm just so hungry... and I don't want to cook..." I say airlessly. Everyone fell back (Anime Style~) Before murmuring to themselves in slight amusement and annoyance.
"...Hey Lucy... Remember that one time I saved you?... I want payment. Cook me food... and I love you?" I smiled. The others started laughing while I could almost see her roll her eyes and a small smile on her face. She huffed out.
"Okay on one condition..." I look to her in desperation, on the verge of death.
"But that's not fair." I fake cried, almost laughing. She smiled innocently, before whipping something out from behind her.
"You have to enter the beauty contest with me and whichever one of us wins has to share with the other. Fifty-fifty." Gray, Juvia and Happy looked at her like she was crazy, while Natsu who was nowhere to be seen suddenly came crawling out of my room... I'll interrogate him about that later.
"Mara, in a beauty contest?.. hehe what time?" Natsu asked with a sly smirk... I snapped back at him, giving him a look.. that not even I was sure looked like. If he didn't look he was about to puke at any moment I'd hit him. It was silent for a moment while I just stared at Lucy.
"..I'd rather starve to death..." Her face dropped while the others laughed at her reaction. Besides Natsu of course.
"Oh, come on?! Please, Mara?! I really need the money but as back up, since you're so pretty and talented then there's a better chance for one of us to win! So, please. Join with me, please?!" I thud my head on the floor aggressively. I sigh heavily before itching my head nonchalantly as I keep my eyes closed.
"Fine. I ain't got nothin' better to do anyways. But I seriously hope you're not actually expec-" I peek an eye open as she inwardly squeals, bouncing in her spot excitedly before jumping on me and clomping me into a tight hug. I try to shield beforehand, her excitement quicker than my defense it seems.
"THANK YOU!" Well there goes my hearing for the next... life time...

     So instead of making me food, like she said she would, Lucy paid for me to get some food at the festival. I was eating happily with Natsu when Lucy suddenly came running by, yelling about the contest. I sulked, letting her drag me behind as she took off once more. I was really hoping she forgot, but at least I got food now.

     I stood behind the stage and waited for the contest to start.

"The long wait is finally over ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the one and only Miss Fairy Tail contest! Where your favorite Fairies fight in the battle of beauty! I'm Max Alora the Sand wizard and I'll be your host for this exciting event!" Max greats the crowd into the mic. I moped while glancing at Lucy and Juvia, who, as she quote, "did not want to be out done by that bimbo..." She meant Lucy, of course, she still thinks Lucy has some huge crush on Gray for some reason. Maybe because she has no boyfriend and Natsu is m- I mean Natsu's too nice of a guy to date one of his closest friends... not that I already mentally claimed him or anything... but she's not allowed to have him... so yeah.
"Now, let's meet entry number one! The exotic beauty who will out drink you any day of the week, Cana Alberona!" I raise a brow at the declaration, Cana struts out onto the stage with radiating confidence.
"Unless it's Whiskey!" I can't refrain, yelling out in spite of myself. I heard some of the crowd laugh, as did some of the other contestants.
"Now, bust out some magic and show us your stuff!" I opened my eyes wide at this, anxious was an understatement as I looked at Lucy.
"What am I supposed to do for a talent?!" I feel under pressure, shaking her vigorously.
"I don't know, just use your magic like you're supposed to do." She shrugs with uncertainty. I deadpan.
"Obviously, but it's not like I can just put people into one of my nightmares or something." I say back sarcastically. She laughed as did Juvia, before she was called up to stage. I sighed before slumping to the ground as everyone took their turn going up to the stage. What am I gonna do to show off? I mean, even Erza's here and Mirajane. Even Levy and Levy's adorable. I sighed before I felt Lucy shaking my shoulder.
"Your next, whatever you end up doing, I'm sure you'll do great!" She offers some encouragement. What is this feeling that I'm feeling right now? My stomach feels all funny and I half feel like I'm gonna be sick. Am I getting... stage fright? No, no, I can't be. I mean I was in the theater a while back and nothing like this happened... But I also had my cloak on.. I don't know if I can do this...
"Break a leg, Mara!" Lucy yelled while pushing me forward. My eyes widened as I began to protest. She keeps her smile, pushing me along towards the stage before giving me an oh so friendly little shove.

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