Crushes and Love Potions Gone Wrong

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Mara's P.O.V

    It's been a few days since I came back from the caves, and it's been pretty quiet.. boring actually. Natsu hasn't wanted to take any jobs, so I've been doing a few small ones by myself on the side to keep myself busy. I don't mind doing them on my own, in fact I get more done that way... but I miss going on the bigger missions with the others, it's more fun going with them. I sat drinking from my mug while Lucy sulked beside me. Mirajane stood there drying some dishes as she glanced at us slightly amused.
"Oh, come on guys, just go look at the board for another job." We sulked further into our seats.
"We would but Natsu said he needs some time off." Lucy mocks.
"So why don't you guys just go together?" I looked at Lucy with a grin, Lucy staring before realizing, face palming.
"There's always that." We chuckled to ourselves.
"Still it's weird without Natsu and the others. We're a team, it just wouldn't be the same." I nodded in agreement finishing my drink, setting the mug off to the side.
"Oooh, your commitment to Natsu is so strong, wouldn't want to make Mara jealous now." Mirajane mocked. I choked on the mouthful I had, spitting it in their faces while Lucy looked a mixture between horrified and disgusted. She threw her arms up in a giant 'X' formation
"No no, I'm good, Natsu is totally Mara's." She declared quickly. I irked at both of them, fake grinning.
"I don't like Natsu, and I'm not jealous of whatever it is Lucy has going on with Natsu." I half denied half provoked. I side glanced at Lucy as she got this ghostly look on her face.
"I swear there is absolutely nothing going on between Natsu and I. Besides I wouldn't do that to you, Mara. Natsu may be oblivious but the rest of us aren't." She smirked and winked at the end. My eye glance met her look, the two of us grinning stupidly to each other afterwards, while Mirajane laughed out. Soon Lucy and I started laughing too, arms draped over each other's shoulders.
"Say I like Natsu again out loud, and I call Aquarius on you." I smile in feign innocence. She paled instantly and died in the corner whilst Mirajane put a drink on the counter for me. I grinned childishly before Lucy finally joined again.
"Happy's right, sometimes I forget just how scary you can be." I laughed out again.
"You never know, Natsu might just have feelings for you too." Mirajane winked at me. I sweat dropped as we all looked back at the fire wielding wizard. I paled and gave an uncertain smile.

     As Natsu stood on top of the table doing some sort of weird dance while making some off vocals to go along with it

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     As Natsu stood on top of the table doing some sort of weird dance while making some off vocals to go along with it. It was a cute goofy dance, but still, all I could do was sigh.
"Yeah I don't think, he thinks about things like that."
"Come on, Natsu. Stop goofing around and let's get back to work!" Gray suddenly encourages, without clothes. Erza appeared behind him, demanding he put some clothes on as his face fell at her quick appearance. Her attention quickly turned at Natsu as Gray made his retreat.
"And what is wrong with you, did your powers finally burn that brain of yours into a lump of charcoal?!" She called out to him, as he and Happy continued their dance on top of the table as the guild cheered them on.
"Hey, don't be such a killjoy, it's important to take a break every now and then... isn't that right, Happy?" He said with a carefree attitude. She scoffs, crossing her arms.
"Aye sir, this sure feels great!" Happy agreed happily.
"Now the finale." Natsu says to Happy, they both started going side to side waving their hands quickly.
"Chicka chicka chicka, chicka chicka chicka" They both sang. Some of us stood there dumbfounded by their actions, as most of the guild continued to cheer for them. My eyebrow twitched at the scene and was at a loss for words.
"Definitely a pass." Lucy mumbled beside me. I started laughing as well as Mirajane.

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