Parody Eighteen - The Confession Cliché

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The unoriginal Gaster was caged in a tube used to experiment on people. It was for him to not teleport again. Silvya and Y/N were in Undertale, the main timeline and also where Y/N was first found. They had a lot to explain to Frisk and the others, but as always, everything went well and cue the corny stuff. "Looks like those Star- whatever they call themselves, really saved you." Frisk said, "I had my doubts at first about them."

"Well, you were right about those doubts." Y/N said. They didn't mention that they saved themselves and Dream just teleported them out of the castle.

Gaster woke up and had a conversation with Silvya about his whole shebang. He wasn't really W.D. Gaster from the main timeline, he was an impostor created by the creator for an excuse to make Y/N explore different stories. In other words, he's a creation that should be erased too. "I was serious when I wanted to erase all Y/Ns, well, until you bugs interfered." He said. "Though, I will give up my intentions and disappear if Y/N does something for me. For everything to end at once."

Silvya talked to Y/N about it privately. "He said that a story like this will, of course, have to end with a cliche. Assuming that the bad sanses will confess to you about their feelings, you will have to reply to them. If Gaster is satisfied of your answer, then he will go." They said solemnly. Y/N pondered about a good answer and couldn't think of any. "What would be the logical answer for their feelings?" Y/N asked out loud.

"As cliched as it sounds, it doesn't have to be logical. I'm not saying you should speak to the heart because that's plain stupid in my opinion, but why don't you listen to what you feel for now? By then, you can come up with a true and honest answer with logic." Silvya replied and winked. "I'm sure you can handle it, my boy."

Y/N considered the suggestion. It was... reasonable enough. "Then take me to them right now."

"Wha- right now? Have you thought of an answer already?"

"Yeah." To be honest, Y/N didn't know what to answer. It was the first time they had to do something without trying to predict what happens next. Maybe it would be better that way.

Silvya teleported Y/N to where they first encountered each other. The bad sanses were still fighting the star sanses, all injured and worn out. Y/N felt like mentioning their stupidity, but it doesn't matter at the moment. "Y/N!" The two groups wailed when they noticed them.

Y/N was silent because of this feeling they rarely feel: nervousness. Their heart was thumping, no matter how hard they try to rationalize themselves. They managed to maintain their poker face though. They could think of what to answer, somehow.

"Gaster can hear us. Remember that, my boy." Silvya reminded for the... Y/N lost count. Silvya left them be to respect their decision.

Before the bad sanses would nag and annoy them with concerns and questions, Y/N shushed them all. "Listen... let's get this over with." They said in a bit of a shaky voice. "So, bad sanses... I know I've roasted too much out of you and made fun of what happened to us during my time in the castle, but I'm certain that there is something you have to confess to me. Say it right now and let's see what I can do."

"Wait, right now?" Cross said, sweating nervously. "O-okay then... I'll go first!" He took a deep breath and rambled his thoughts out of the blue. "Y/N... this may be just a story and we may not be canon, but who cares? Right now, I may be saying this for the creator to finish this story, but for some reason... I'm a bit sad that it has to end this soon. I wanted to explore and make fun of, well, about us more. About random things that happen because of lame excuses. It was fun, honestly. Maybe all this is not real, but I like you. Whether we're friends or more than that, it was fun hanging around with you, even though it got me offended at some point. We may never meet again after all this, but thanks. For advices and all." Cross smiled sheepishly. He tried. Y/N was genuinely confused but smiled a little.

"Okay so..." Dust started the next one. "Look, you were quite insulting to us because it was strange to meet someone like you for the first time. You were unnerving but reasonable, and I liked it. I liked all of it. I would probably miss the times you've insulted me, although the insults were true. Just... even if you're not as pretty as the angels, thanks. Thanks for the times we've hung out together and making us laugh. You're a strange one, but at least you don't commit genocide and shit."

Y/N wanted to laugh on that one, but they nodded with their poker face on.

"Ugh, cut all the drama. Anyways, me next!" Killer laughed, though it sounded like he forced himself to. "Too bad you haven't accepted my date and sit on my lap, but at least we've spent time learning a lot about... well, random shit. Haha! I'd definitely miss all that. I don't care if we can't be more than friends, it's already enough being friends with a guy like you. You're awesome, I'll give you that, but not as awesome as me of course! Anyway, that's it. I mean, not like I'm sad about it."

'Oh Killer, everyone knows you'll be the most disappointed one here.' Y/N said holding back their smile.

"Surprising I haven't made you into a head-dog sandwich yet. But anyway..." Horror said in a low voice. "You're an amazing person. I mean, besides telling everyone their life stories and all, you're great. No matter how many flaws and mistakes you have, you're great just the way you are, but you could always be better. So next time, bring your guests a cupcake."

'Well, I did forget to buy you one when I promised to for compensation, but sure I'll try.' Y/N thought.

"I *BEEP* I hhhhaaatteee *BEEP* cheesy moment-ts l-l-liike these." Error said and turned away. "Go *BEEP* go ooonn withoooouutt me. N-n-not likke I'd *BEEP* miss the hhhuuman anyway."

'Why'd you turn away from me then? You knew I'd figure out you'll miss watching Undernovela with me... right, Error?' Y/N thought.

"So... ew, this is gross. Do we really have to now? This is wrong timing, mind you." Nightmare said genuinely disgusted.

"If you want to never say that to me and never see me again, then sure. We can wrap this up now." Y/N said.

"Ugh, okay fine. Here goes... look, you are smart and more logical than me. The fact that you made fun of me and the others in our sanctuary... it's so... so... irresistible. Like I want you to make fun of us more. Those insults already make us remember you. And... too bad it has to end soon. I wanted to see you with a crown on, Moonlight." Nightmare smirked. "I admire you."

'Gee, thanks. That was rather unexpected and flattering especially when I'm hearing that from you. Though, I'm still not obliged to wear that crown.'

Y/N didn't want to be dramatic. Hearing everything they said, however, somehow made them sentimental. As if they were also a bit disappointed that all this is about to end soon.

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