Some information

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Just a bit of info about the story and (Y/n)

1. As you may have seen in the title, (Y/n) is gender neutral. I just haven't seen enough gender neutral (Y/n)s. (Y/n) will be addressed with they/them pronouns throughout the story. They are in their third year at Inarizaki

2. (Y/n) is 6'0. Y'all, I'm 5'11 lol and all the (Y/n)s I see are short af. No offense to all my short folk.

3. I'm sorry if I get anything about the violin wrong, it's been a while since I played in orchestra.

For those that don't know the code thing:
(Y/n): Your name
(L/n): Last name
(E/c): Eye color
(H/l): Hair length
(H/c): Hair color
(F/f): Favorite food
(F/d): Favorite drink

This is my first story, so any advice is encouraged. Just don't be outright rude or mean. And don't comment your real name up top, it's dangerous.

Edit 05/11/22: So I just read this thing for the first time and realized how outdated this was. My friend (The one that forced me to make this account) and I wrote this almost a year before I published this and the first 2 chapters (Around June of 2021) and since then, I've rejoined the orchestra (My school for some reason didn't have orchestra as an elective that year? I think it was either because they couldn't get it working virtually or because there was no teacher since the previous one left us, but I'm back in the gang). Thought this was important because I've been playing since then and my experience is greater now and I can explain thing a bit better. 

I also might have to skip this week's upload too since finals have been a pain and my history teacher thought it would be the perfect time to give us a group project worth about 25% of my grade this quarter. Honestly, screw him but yeah, upload schedule is still wack as hell.

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