Chapter 8: Date Planning

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Me: *trying to finish my final before the time limit*



(Y/n) POV

"So, how have you been recently?" Kita asked.

"Very well, how have you been?" I asked.

"I've been well, thank you for asking." He answered. We stood in silence for a bit. His friend seemed to realize

"Oh my god, that was the most awkward conversation I've ever hear. Literally 4 sentences." The raven-ette said, disappointed.

"So! I'm Akagi Michinari." He said me.

"I'm (L/n)." I said. He squinted his eyes and looked at me closely.

"I swear I've seen you somewhere at school before... wait, you go to Inarizaki, right?" He asked. I nodded.

"Hm... wait! You're the one on the track team! The lightning fast one with (h/c) hair!" He said, pointing at me. I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Didn't they move to Aomori last week though?" Kita asked. That killed Akagi's mood.

"Damn it, I was so sure too... but I was close, right?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Not the track team, I'm-"

"Oh, no, don't tell me! I want to guess! Um... the manager for the track team! Uh... Makoto!" He guessed.


"Student council! Sora!"

"Not me."

"Hm... are you the kid in my science class? Class 6?"

"(L/n)-san's in my class, class 7." Kita said.

"Damn, I've got nothing. So, who exactly are you?" Akagi asked.

"But I told you already? I'm (L/n), my first name's (Y/n) if that was what you're looking for." I said.

"That's not the important bit!" He said. Why was he asking me who I am when he said my name wasn't important?

"I think he wants to know your club." Kita said.

"Yes, that!" Akagi said. He looked up at me, waiting for my answer.

"I'm in the orchestra." I said. That didn't seem to satisfy him.

"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down!? The orchestra's massive! It's 100 people, it's huge!" He said.

"It's 110 people in the orchestra. I'm the concertmaster, that may be why you seem to remember me. You're on the volleyball team, right?" He nodded.

"You know that the orchestra plays during the match to throw the opponents off. Before the match starts, the orchestra plays a piece during warmups. I sit in the very front. For concerts, assessments, and competitions, I also sit in the front and am the designated soloist for any violin solos." I explained.

"Oh... that makes sense. I know I've seen your face a lot at school, I just didn't know your name." Akagi said.

I picked up a red candle, rose scented. I picked up another in my other hand, wood scented. I smelled both of them, both very nice. I thought for a bit. What would Mom and Dad like?

"Question, which one of these would smell the most romantic? Like, what do you think you would smell on a date at a fancy restaurant?" I asked the boys, examining the 2 candles.

"I dunno, I've never been on a fancy date. I've never even been on a date at all." Akagi answered.

"So if I took you out on a date to a fancy restaurant, what would you think of?" I asked him, continuing to look through some candles. Would tea lights be good? If so, what scent? What color?

"Um... I-I would say of course!"

"Huh? What did you say just now?" I asked. Did I hear him correctly? If so, why would he say that?

"Nothing! Uh... th-the tea lights look good! Unscented or vanilla? Yeah yeah, those would be good!" Akagi quickly said.

"Hm... flower scented things are always a good option for anything sweet and romantic. The wood could remind you of an expensive table at a restaurant. You could buy both of the candles." Kita said.

"Thanks. What do you think of tea lights?" I asked, holding up a few tea lights.

"Go for unscented white ones, any scent will be lost with the other 2 candles." I put 5 in my basket. This should be enough. If I need any more, I'll just come back.

"Why do you need so many candles? Are they for yourself?" Akagi asked.

"Sort of, they're for my parents." I answered.

"Your parents?"

"Yeah, their anniversary is in 2 weeks. They said they want to stay home this year, so my friends and I decided to do a little 'at home restaurant' for them. The candles are for that." I said.

"Oh, that's really sweet!" Akagi said.

"Thank you. This should be enough for them." I said, walking to the register. The cashier scanned my things and put them in a bag. I thanked her and turned to the 2 boys. They were still behind me. Akagi was about to say something, but he suddenly whipped over to the clock on the wall.

"Kita, it's 8:45, we're late! Everyone's waiting for us!" He said, grabbing Kita's arm and dragging him away. 

"Bye then." I said, waving to them. They waved back and ran off.


(A/n): Look who it is, it's the person who spend 2 weeks procrastinating on a chapter that took 3 days to write. Yeah, it's me.

School's going well, although I think the German teacher at my school got arrested.

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