Chapter 2: Letting Go of Old Things

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"Bro, I got lost like 10 different times per piece. I wasn't even looking at the conductor, I was just looking at (Y/n)." Arisu said, somewhat having trouble keeping up with me and Eiko. Poor little shorty.

"Yeah, it's almost like it's (Y/n)'s job to lead the orchestra." Eiko said rolling his eyes.

"And plus, you should be looking at the principal second violin, not me." I said.

"I know that I should be looking at them! I just like looking at you!" Arisu said.

We stopped in front of Class 2-2. I gestured for the 2 second years to go into their class.

"No goodbye? Just awkward silence?" Arisu asked.

"Go." I said, basically shoving her inside.

"Ok, I get it!" She said. As I was walking away, I heard someone call me. Someone unfamiliar.

"Master!" They yelled. I ignored them and walked faster. After all, I have class to be at.

"Notice me, Master!" They yelled again. I whipped around to see who kept calling me. It apparently was this boy with piss-blond hair, who was running at me full speed.

"It actually worked! I'm-" "Look, I'm not your master." I said, turning away.

"Wait, don't ignore me!" He called. I then bolted down the hall and around a few corners, making sure to lose him. I looked behind me and sure enough, he wasn't there. I smiled a bit to myself before waling up the stairs to the third year halls. Not socializing today, thank you very much.

I walked into my classroom, Class 3-7. I set my things down and sat in my chair, waiting for a certain someone to arrive. In the meantime, I decided to finish my homework I had abandoned to practice violin. Long division, long division, it's been quite a while since I've seen you. I quickly filled in my answers to the last few questions. Just in time too, the person I was waiting for just came in.

I waved to the gray and black haired boy. He waved back and sat in his seat. We hardly ever spoke with each other, just a wave whenever we enter class. We ask about each other's days sometimes but nothing too much. I don't know his name, he doesn't know mine. We're just 2 quiet people who greet each other.

I finished up my homework and sat back, waiting for the bell. My mind drifted off to some random things. Maybe I should get my violin serviced over the weekend, the 1 year mark is nearing. Maybe rehair my bow while I'm at it, don't want what happened to Eiko happen to me.

My mind wandered off to the boy from earlier. The piss-blond one. Why did he call me 'Master'? Only the people in the school orchestra call me that and outside practice, they just call me (L/n)-san or (L/n)-senpai, with the exception of Arisu and Eiko. And how would piss-head know my nickname? As far as I know, he wasn't in orchestra.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell. I watched the door, waiting for the late students to show up. There were always a few. At this point, the teacher was giving up on them.

"Alright class, you may turn in your math homework from last night. Get out the packet from yesterday and get working, today's going to be a calm work day." The teacher said, marking all the late students into attendance.

I got up and put my homework in the basket. I sat back down to do the math packet. Ok, math is kinda hard... scratch that, it's getting very hard. But I still have to power through.

What the hell is 37/81? How do I simply again? I pulled out my calculator for help. I would have never gotten into Class 3-7 without my calculator. It's old, I've had it since my elementary school days, but it still works. Oh, and my old as hell metronome, it's old but still functional.

I put in 37/81. 0.4567 and a lot more numbers. I looked at the clock. It's been 5 minutes. Oh god.


Ok, 1 minute left of class. I put all my things away in my backpack. As I went to put it on, someone rammed into me, causing me to drop it.

"Sorry!" They yelled. Then, the bell rang. But I wasn't worried about that. I was worried about my things. More specifically, my metronome.

I sat near the wall and carefully took my thing out to check them. Binders, they're good. Books, they're good. Music folder, it's good, the music is good too. Calculator, it's good and funtional. Metronome, it's good and funtional.

I sighed in relief. Everything is good. I began putting all my things back. Then, I heard a loud sound. 'CRACK!' I looked over to see that someone stepped on my metronome. Fuck. I picked it up to assess the damage. Crushed. That's how I'd describe it. I got up to see the culprit that stepped on it. It was the gray and black haired boy that I greeted every morning. He looked very shocked as he stared at the broken wood.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you. I can buy you a new one, I promise." He said.

"Don't bother, I can get a new one myself." I said, starting to walk out the door.

"No, no, it's my fault I broke it. I'll pay for a new one." He said, walking next to me.

"I said that you don't have to. It was going to break anyway, I've had for too long. I don't blame you for anything."

"I'm getting you a new one. I was the one that broke it and I'll be the one paying for it. It's the right thing to do."

"You can repay me by not getting one, I can just use a computer one." I said. He was about to say something more, but I cut him off.

"It's time to go, we both have classes." I said, running off into a crowd of students.


Once I got to my next class, I  looked at the remains of my metronome. I fucking jinxed myself, I shouldn't have thought about it still being funtional.

"Sensei, can I get a bag? My metronome broke and I don't want it getting more broken in my backpack." I said to the teacher. He loked into a drawer and handed me a grocery bag. Not going to ask why he has it, but I'm going to use it.

I shoved the metronome in and sat down at my seat. Guess I'm going to have to tell the rest of the orchestra about it. At least luch is soon.


Arisu gasped as I told her what happened to my metronome.

"No, Oliver!" She said dramatically. "Oliver?" I asked. "Yeah, his name!" She said. Eiko suddenly stopped eating his lunch.

"The metronome had a name!?" He asked.

"Duh! Why else did you think I kept calling it Oliver!?" Arisu asked.

"I thought you knew some dude named Oliver!" Eiko said.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth." I said to Eiko. He grumbled and kept eating his food.

"By the way, who was the piss-head from earlier?" I asked.


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