Chapter 9: First Introductions! Kinda

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Oh my god, you saw them at the mall!?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I saw both Kita-san and Akagi-san. They were quite nice and helpful with the date planning." I said.

"Oh yeah, the date thing! We're sure on Wednesday, right?" Arisu asked.

"Yeah? I told you it was their anniversary; it would be stupid if we did it on a different day."

"Oo, I'm really excited for it! Your parents are so sweet! You're a really great kid to plan this for your parents, you know." She said, hopping around excitedly.

"Thank you. I think we're going to start practicing our music for the competition. You should get to your seat." I said, pointing to her section.

"Oh yeah, I probably should go to my seat. See you after practice!" Arisu said, running off to her seat. I sat down in my seat and got my violin and bow in hand.

"Hey, sorry if I'm being a bit nosy, but what were you and Arima-san talking about?" My stand mate, a girl named Irohana, asked.

"We were talking about a dinner date I'm planning for my parents. It's their anniversary soon and I want to make it special." I answered. Our student conductor, Mari Nakasone, started banging their baton on the stand to get everyone's attention.

"OH MY GOD, BE QUIET!!!" Nakasone yelled as loud as they could. We all fell silently into rest position.

"Finally! Now, we're going to try and play through Scheherazade today. This is going to be our piece for the competition." They said. Sho slowly raised his hand.

"What now!?" Nakasone asked angrily. Sho flinched slightly. I sighed. First day and Nakasone's already going hard on the poor kid.

"U-uh, I d-don't have it..." Sho mumbled. He was clearly startled by Nakasone's outburst.

"What don't you have!?"

"I don't have the Scheherazade music..."

"What do you mean you don't have it!? You should've gotten it at the beginning of the year if you join this year and you should've already had it if you joined us before that! How do you not have the sheet music!?" Nakasone yelled.

"Well I'm sorry, but I don't have it! Where can I get it!?" Sho yelled back.

"Use your stand partner's book!"

Sho aggressively gestured at the empty seat next to him. Nakasone pinched the bridge of their nose and sharply inhaled.

"This is the reason I'm getting gray hairs..." They muttered. I quickly stood up before anything could go out of hand. Nakasone always had emotional issues where they would just go berserk at the drop of a pin at random. If this continued, that baton may or may not end up somewhere it really shouldn't.

"Apologies, this would be my fault. I didn't tell you that Sho joined the club. He joined this morning, so he doesn't have the music. Sorry for the short notice, but could you give Sho the music he needs?" I asked. Nakasone sighed.

"Alright, fine. What do you play, viola?" Nakasone asked. Sho nodded.

"Yeah, I play viola. Just give me anything I need." Sho said. Nakasone took out one of the folders and rifled through it. A few moments later, they handed Sho a handful of papers. Nakasone ran off and came back with a music book in their hands.

"Scheherazade is in there, find it." Sho nodded and sat down in his seat. Nakasone rubbed their eyes and sighed.

"Ok, let's start now..." They said, getting onto their platform. We all sat in silence, wait for our cue. Nakasone raised the baton. We held our instruments up. They started to wave the baton around, giving us our tempo. 3. 2. 1. Go. 

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