Chapter 3: Piss-head

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Arisu spat out her water, comic style. Eiko was visibly choking on his food. I quickly handed him my cup of water and gave a few napkins to Arisu.

"BAHAHAHAHAH, PISS-HEAD!" She laughed, coughing slightly.

"No one is safe from (Y/n)-senpai's blunt honesty." Eiko said.

"Honesty is a good thing. Not that lying is always bad." I said, eating a piece of sushi.

"Yeah, but did you really need to be so bluntly honest about his hair? Oh god, Atsumu does look like a piss-head..." Arisu said.

"So his name is Atsumu?" I asked. Arisu slammed her fist down on the table.

"FU-" "Yes, his name is Atsumu." Eiko said as Arisu was going crazy.

"I wanted to intoduce you 2 to each other in a cute way, not like this!" She whined.

"You still can, I don't really know anyone named Atsumu besides piss-head." I said, finishing up my lunch.

"Wait, you're right! Wait here, I'll be back!" She said, running off. I wonder what she's up to.

"Yeah, so Arisu decided it was a good idea to get you acquainted with some other people. And she thought the volleyball players were her best bet, she started talking to a few last year. I don't know how or why and frankly, I'm too scared to ask." Eiko said, drinking the last of his water.


Arisu came back dragging back the piss-blond boy along with her. "Atsumu, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), this is Atsumu!" Arisu said.

I looked at the blond boy in front of me. He looked a bit familiar. Wait, is it him?

"Atsumu Miya? Oh, you're him." I said in realization.

"You know me? Why did you run earlier?" He asked.

"Yeah, I know you. You're that one player on the volleyball team that makes us shut up whenever you're serving for you to focus." I said. I heard Eiko and Arisu stifle a laugh.

"Yeah... that's me. So, what's your name?" Atsumu asked.

"Did you not hear what my name was from Arisu?" "...fuck..." "What do you mean by that." "I don't know how to start a conversation." He admitted.

"Me neither. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), I'm the concertmaster of the orchestra." I said.

We stared at each other in silence. Atsumu looked a bit uncomfortable, looking around for what I think was a way out of the conversation.

"Are you ok?" I asked. He jolted slightly, stumbling over his words.

"Uh, ye- yeah? I just, um, yeah. I'm just gonna... go to my friends now..." He said, backing away before turning to run. Oh. Ok.

"Did he just run?" Eiko asked. I nodded. Atsumu just ran away from us. What the hell?

"Am I scary?" I asked my 2 friends. They looked at each other before looking at me.

"How offended would you be if I said yes?" Eiko asked. I shrugged.

"If it's a fact that I do look scary, then I won't be offended. If it's just an insult, I will be offended." I answered.

"Good, because I thought you were scary as hell when I saw you for the first time." He said.

"Arisu, am I scary?" I asked.

"Yes? No? I don't know how to answer that." She said.

"It's called using your mouth to speak." "Shut the hell up, Eiko." She growled. She inhaled before answering.

"I was scared of you when I first heard about you because the older students said you were super nitpicky and got mad when someone messed up their part. But when we actually met, you were nitpicky and a bit harsh because you're the leader of the orchestra and it's your job to make sure everyone plays their best. But you're still scary when you really get mad." She answered.

"Hey Risu, it was a yes or no question." "Shut it." "Both of you, stop it." I said, stabding in front of them.

"Yes Master."


Atsumu POV

Oh god, I feel like an absolute dick. I just walked out on that poor person because my dumb ass couldn't start a conversation.

"Atsu? Are you ok?" My friend Sho asked. I vigorously nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I said. His gray eyes narrowed at me skeptically.

"No you're not." "Yes I am." "Well, I don't believe you." He said. I sighed.

"I may or may not have walked out on a conversation with someone because I didn't know what to say..." I said.

He laughed. "Is THE Atsumu Miya that bad a conversating with new people that he'll just leave like an asshole? What will the fangirls think? What if a certain brunette-" "I'll buy you donuts after school." I blurted out. He smiled.

"Well, maybe I won't tell that certain brunette about your social skills." He said. I facepalmed. This little shit-

"By the way, who were you talking to?" He asked, peering over my shoulder in an attempt to maybe catch a glimpse of the person I was talking to.

"(Y/n) (L/n), the leader thing of the orchestra. They're the third year with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes." He perked up slightly after hearing me mention the orchestra.

"Orchestra? Why them? And also, it's called concertmaster." He corrected.

"Arisu dragged me to them. She's the cloud girl." I said. Sho seemed to be deep in thought.

"I want to talk to them." He said. "Arisu?" I asked. "No, (Y/n). I want to talk about the orchestra." He said.

"So you're joining them." "No, I don't know if I want to get back to that stuff yet." "Oh my god, make yer god damn decision already, me and the rest of the team are all waiting for you to become manager! It's yer second year and you've never joined a club!" I said.

"I'm not becoming manager! I have no interest in playing sports or managing sports, I've told you already!"

"You told me you quit music a long time ago! Why are you still thinking about doing it if you made up yer mind!?"

"I quit orchestra because of peer pressure to join sports and that boys shouldn't be doing girly things like playing instruments! I didn't just quit orchestra, I quit clubs back then, CLUBS! I still like music, I want to go back! But I can't because if people like you, who try and control the things that I like and that I want to do!" He yelled, glaring at me. I glared right back. By now, a crows has gathered to see what was going on. There were murmurs and whispers in the air.

Why can't he just let it go? Why can't he just accept the fact that he quit music and move on to other things? He made the decision to quit and he has to live with it. But why won't he move on? Why is he so hung up on music?

"Don't talk to me until you thought about what you said. I'm going to find to (L/n)-senpai. Surely they'll be more understanding than you. Don't follow me, Miya-san." He spat, shoving his way through the crowd.


(A/n): Yeah, sorry for not posting for a few days. And wow, people actually read this garbage?

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