Chapter 1: Weird Friends of Mine

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"It's in B flat major, B and E are flat." I said to the first year violinist.

"Oops." He said, correcting his fingerings.

"Master!" A girl yelled from behind me. I sighed and turned around to face whoever yelled for me. Such a stupid nickname these orchestra kids gave me. But I'm one of the orchestra kids and I never corrected it, so I guess it's partially my fault that it's still going on. The girl that yelled bounded over and stopped in front of me.

"Eiko just shattered his rosin!" She said, pointing to the second year cellist behind her. He looked shocked as he stared at the shattered mess that once was his rosin.

"Wait, Arisu, you're the one that stepped on it!" He yelled over.

"You dropped it though!" Arisu yelled back.

"Be quiet and go clean it up, both of you. The broom and dustpan are both in the closet over there." I said, pointing towards the closet.

"Yes Master!" Arisu yelled as she ran to the closet to get the cleaning supplies.

Arisu Arima was a special one, she's one of the second year 2nd violins. She was one of the few people I can call a close friend. It's not that I have trouble making friends, it's just that I like to stick with my orchestra gang. It's a lot of people, but we're like one massive extended family in a way.

Arisu had shoulder-length gray hair that sometimes becomes fluffier when she gets excited. That complimented well with her deep blue eyes. Honestly, she kinda looks like a cloud, a stormy cloud.

Eiko Sakurai was one of the second year cellists. He had golden blond hair that he usually tied into a small ponytail and light blue eyes that made him look very bright.

Eiko has... a bit of bad luck. Last year had a few incidents. For example, one time, his bow hairs decided that the perfect time to collectively snap all at once was during a concert, halfway through a piece. He ended up having to fake the rest of the piece, which worked out well since he was in the back. Our conductor had to run off stage to grab him a new bow. When he got his shredded one rehaired, the only explanation we got to why the hairs snapped was that the piece we played was super aggressive coupled with the fact that in the 5 years he had that bow, he never got it rehaired before then.

There was another time where Eiko's rock stop broke during a rehearsal. It was a really old one provided by the school, so we just brushed it off, gave him a new one, and never really said anything.

I swear, it's a miracle that Eiko's cello hasn't been broken yet. With his luck, I wouldn't be surprised if his cello just imploded with no warning.

The conductor clapped to get everyone's attention. "Get out your music, we're starting from the beginning!" They said, getting to baton.

(A/n): Fun fact, the rock stop story happened to my cellist buddy.

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