Chapter 12: Operation Akagi x (Y/n)

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I have not clue what the hell has been happening in my life but hey, I'm back.

Anyways, here's the chapter. It's a continuous of the last so it's still Eiko's point of view.


"Ok, what's the plan?" Suna asked.

"First, we need to find Akagi and (L/n)." Atsumu said.

"They're both third years, we're all second years. How are we going to have an opportunity to get them together?" Arisu asked.

"Lunch break or any other break time. The moment we're allowed to be out of class, we run to the third year floor as fast as possible and look for them coming out of class. Then, whatever set up plan we have." I said.

"That's a very small window of time, do you think we'll be able to do it?" Suna asked.

"Good question, but I don't have an answer. First, find Akagi." I said.

"Alright, what class is he in?" Arisu asked. She was met with silence.

"Ok, there's 4 of us and 7 third year classes. We know that (L/n) is in Class 7 and that Akagi and (L/n) are in different classes. The moment we get out of class, we all go and stand in from of a different class and wait for Akagi to come out. 2 people with have to watch 2 classes each and someone will have to go chase down (L/n) to get them for the plan." Suna said.

"Ok, pick your class you're going to monitor. The class bell's going to ring soon, make a decision. I'm taking 3-3." I said.

"I'll take 3-6 and grab (Y/n) from 3-7." Arisu said.

"I got 3-1 and 3-2." Suna offered.

"I can watch 3-4 and 3-5." Atsumu said.

"We have like 1 more minute before we're late for class. What's the plan once we get them in the same place?" I asked.

"Uh, just get them to talk and get Akagi to ask (L/n) out. I gotta go now, I can't have another tardy or I'll get detention." Suna said, running off. The rest of us made eye contact before dashing to class. Arisu and I made it before the bell rang and got to our seats.

I ran out the door and up the stairs as fast as I could, bumping into a lot of people. I finally got to the door of Class 3-3 and stood there. Not too many people were out yet, only a few. That made tracking them a lot easier.

Nope, not him, not him either... yeah, I don't see him among the people exiting the class. Pretty safe to say Akagi was not in this class. I left 3-3 and went over to 3-1 and 3-2. Everyone had left the class already. 

"Is he not in either of these 2?" Suna shook his head.

"Nope. How about your class?"

"Not there." I replied. The 2 of us left to go find Atsumu and his classes. When we got to 3-4 and 3-5, we were  met with Atsumu, Arisu, and a reluctant Akagi.

"You guys were actually serious!?" Akagi asked.

"I am a man of my word." Atsumu said.

"That is the biggest lie of the week and it's Tuesday." Suna snickered.


"Just get your stupid plan over with." Akagi said.

"Ok, I already told (Y/n) that I had to tell them something but didn't have time. They should be waiting nearby or in the music hallway waiting for me. You're going to go up to them and just talk. Tell them that I told you to tell them that I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon and can't go to rehearsal. Then, talk, get to know them, and them ask them out! That's the plan." Arisu said.

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