Chapter 11: Crush?

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Pain. Just pain. Writer's block is pain.


Eiko POV

I panted as I stumbled through the gym doors. Arisu was basically on the floor behind me, exhausted.

"Come on, we didn't run that far! You guys are so unathletic!" Atsumu said, waiting for us in the gym.

"We're also not star athletes! Arisu, get the hell up." I said, pulling the smaller girl onto her feet.

"I-I was not built f-for th-this..." She wheezed out before collapsing on me.

"Excuses, excuses, you guys don't exercise enough!" Atsumu said, pulling us both into the gym.

"For a second time, we don't run a mile every damn day!" I yelled.

"Anyways, these are my 2 friends/classmates Eiko Sakurai and Arisu Arima!" Atsumu said to his teammates.

"...which one's which...?" A boy with black hair asked.

"I'm Eiko, the dead one on the floor is Arisu." I said, pointing to the girl on the floor.

"Arisu, get up! You're being dramatic!" Atsumu said, pulling her up to her feet only for her to collapse again.

"I need a minute... or an hour..." She groaned.

"Ok, now you're being dramatic. Get up." I said. Arisu grumbled and stood up.

"Wait, where's (Y/n)?" She asked.

"At the d- wait a minute, I could've sworn they were right behind us!" I said, looking out of the gym to find the (h/c)-nette.

"Oh shit, Suna and Osamu are gone too!" Atsumu exclaimed, shoving me out the way to look out  the door.

"You know, there's this thing they do called 'not running everywhere like a hyper child'. Maybe you should learn from them." Someone called out from behind us. Atsumu stopped freaking out.


"Imagine Suna shows whoever (Y/n) is all the blackmail he's collected of you." Someone snickered. Atsumu's eyes widened.

"Oh fuck."

"What?" I asked.

"Suna will not hesitate to exposed everything about me. He will spill all the tea if he feels like it."

"Sounds like a you problem." Arisu said.

"Suna probably has dirt on you too!" Atsumu snapped.

"Ok? I don't care, (Y/n) probably already knows!" Arisu said back.

"I would much rather prefer if we actually hung out instead of everyone watching you 2 fight."  I said. 

"Fine, but only because you said so!" Arisu huffed, turning away from Atsumu.

"Hoe, I swear to god-."

"Shut up Atsumu. I'm sorry about his behavior. I'm Shinsuke Kita, the team captain. Atsumu's really the only one that acts like this, Osamu only does when Atsumu pushes him over the edge." A boy with black and white hair said, coming up to me.

"I'm sorry about Arisu too. Arisu's a very... intense person. Very loud and can be obnoxious." I said, watching Arisu and Atsumu both give each other the silent treatment.

"Hey, I heard that! You're really loud too! Remember all those times (Y/n) had to literally grab you to make you shut up!" Arisu yelled.

"Ignore her. Anyways, how are you all on this fine day?" I asked everyone.

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