Chapter 4: Sho Tamaki

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(Y/n) POV

So a fight apparently happened. Don't know what happened and really couldn't care less. Everyone makes fights seem like the coolest thing ever and film it. That just makes you a bystander, a witness who didn't do anything to help the situation when they could have. That makes you almost as guilty as the 2 people fighting. Stupid, really. And those camera people don't ever learn, just keep filming more fights. Absolutely stupid. Arisu and Eiko went to see the fight. And I'm just waiting.

There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a boy around my height with a mess of brown hair and stormy gray eyes.

"How can I help you?" I asked.

"You're (Y/n) (L/n), right?" He asked. I nodded. "Principal concertmaster of the orchestra, right?" I nodded again.

"I'm Sho Tamaki. I was wondering if I could talk to you about the orchestra."  He said.

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" "What's the orchestra like here? I know it's big, but is there anything else I should know?" He asked. I shrugged.

"We're kinda just a big family. Older students help the younger students, experienced students help the inexperienced, we all help our own sections pretty well, that's basically it." I answered.

"Anything about the individual players? Not like gossip or anything. Just like, is there anything toxic that I would need to worry about if I were to join?"

"Just a few viola jokes thrown around. Mostly made by the violas. Speaking of violas, there aren't too many of them compared to other sections like cellos or second violins." I said. His eyes seemed to light up.

"I used to be a violist!" He said. "Well, that's perfect. Are you joining?" He paused and thought for a bit.

"No. I don't know if I want to go back to music yet." He admitted.

"That's fine. What do you mean by go back?" I asked

"I used to play viola back in elementary and junior high. I stopped because people would always say that I was wasting my time, that I was wasting my natural height and should go play a sport. They wouldn't stop. It was always 'you're so tall, why won't you play sports?' and 'boys shouldn't be playing music, that's a girl thing!' The only way to get them to stop was if I quit, and I did. I'm not sure if I want to do music again because I'm not sure if I can deal with all the comments again." He said.

"Oh, interesting. I can inform you that here at Inarizaki, we don't really bully each other about what they should and shouldn't do. Especially musicians. We're one of the reasons this school is famous. You can rejoin music if you'd like. No one's going to pressure you into doing anything. And if they do, just walk away. They don't have to exist to you if you don't want them to." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"...thank you, (L/n)-senpai. I'll think about my decision." He said, smiling at me. I returned the smile.

"Take your time. It's your decision, not mine, not anyone elses. Think about yourself."

2 girls suddenly broke out from the crowd of people. I recognized them from the orchestra, woodwind players.

"(L/n)-senpai, there's a fight!" One said. I shrugged. "And...?" "It's Arima-san, she got into a fight!" The other said quickly.

I immediately began shoving my way through the crowd. Fricking idiot, I left her in the crowd for 5 minutes and she got into a fight. I heard some of what was said.

"Let me at her!" "Risu, stop it! It's not worth it, she's trying to get attention!"

Arisu and Eiko, they were yelling. There was a third voice yelling back at them.

"Why the hell are you even defending them!? Their expressions are so blank, it's fucking concerning!" "They're not stone faced, they have emotions!" Arisu yelled. By now, I could see her and some other girl both being held back by other people.

"You know what they call someone who doesn't have emotions? A psychopath!" That's when Arisu shoved Eiko off of her and lunged at the other girl. Oh hell no. I jumped forward and pried her off.

"Arisu Arima, what the hell do you think you are doing!?" I yelled, yanking her off the other girl. Arisu fell silent.

"Shit... I'm sorry! I was trying to defend you!" She said.

"You were about to get in a fight. You know you can get suspended!" I said, pulling her and Eiko away from the crowd.

"I'm just going to say that I tried to stop her. Honestly though, that girl was calling you a psychopath so it would be justified in letting Arisu beat the shit out of her." He said.

"I was defending your honor, you can't just tug me away when I was about to fight her!" Arisu protested.

"School rules state that if a physical fight were to happen on school grounds between 2 students, both would be suspended from school for a week and banned from their club activities for a month. And if you're unable to come to practice for 5 days in a row, you may be kicked from the club." I said.

"I swear to god, if you kick me from the orchestra, I will... do nothing because I can't do anything." She said.

"Nice threat." Eiko teased. Arisu glared at him.

"Arisu, key words in the rule about fights, school grounds. If you get into a fight with someone outside of school ground, they can't do anything. So, I can let you go crazy on that girl once we leave school." I said, letting Arisu go. Her eyes lit up.

"You are a god..." She said. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." I said with a smile.

"So... do I just... go?" Sho asked. When the hell did he enter the conversation?

"I don't know. Do we know you?" Eiko asked.

"No, you don't. I'm Sho Tamaki, I'm a second year. I was having a talk with (L/n) and they ran off to get you guys." Sho said.

"Are you 2 dating?" Arisu asked. She really boinced back after I told her she coild go after that girl...

"I met this person today..." I said. "You don't mind if I join you guys for a bit, right? I just wanted to hang out with my possibly future club mates." Sho said. Arisu gasped.

"He's joining the orchestra!?" She asked. "Not yet, still considering." He said. Arisu was now cheering happily about a new club member.

"Is she always like this...?" Sho asked.

"Yes, she is. Just be glad that she's this tame." Eiko said, watching the gray haired girl bounce around.

"I'm gonna head to class a bit earlier, I have some things to get ready." I said, grabbing my bag. I threw it over my shoulder and began my way to my next class.

(A/n) I'm an idiot i forgot to post this

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