Chapter 6: Musician Miya

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Suna POV

"Suna, stop recording and help me, damn it!" Atsumu yelled, desperately trying to make a decent sound on the large wooden instrument.

We did it, we made Atsumu Miya learn an instrument. Kinda, it's been an hour and he sounds terrible. We had gotten permission to use a school cello for Atsumu to learn and settled in the hallway near the music room.

By getting permission, I mean we just went up to Sakurai from Atsumu's class and said, 'give us your big wood thing.' And he not surprisingly disagreed, but he said that we could use an unused cello from the back of the locker room. Yes, there are instrument locker rooms.

Getting Atsumu to learn was hilarious, he at first refused until I pulled a few strings, (definitely no blackmail involved) but now he was screeching away at the poor cello.

"Why won't it sound right!?" He yelled as the cello made a sound equivalent to a dying creature being crushed. Osamu and I have found it quite funny.

"We skipped practice for this, Kita's going to skin us alive!" Osamu said, wheezing as Atsumu made another scratching sound.

"It's fucking worth it!" I said, continuing to record the madness on my phone. We had no assistance, just Sakurai telling us to be careful and not break it before he left for his practice. None of us knew music and none of us knew how to play cello.

"What the fuck is that?" Atsumu asked, leaning closer to the music stand. We had gotten him 1 piece to play, twinkle twinkle little star. And he hasn't even tried it yet. Osamu and I leaned in to see the stand.

"Looks like music to me." "I know that dumbass!" Atsumu said, knocking his brother on the head.

The doors to the music room opened and about 100 or so students came flooding out. At least they seemed a bit respectful, as they carefully but quickly went around us 3 volleyball players as to not break anything. Atsumu was trying to flag one of them down for help, but they all just want to get out and go home.

"Are you guys still trying? Isn't it time to go now?" Sakurai asked, stopped next to us.

"Oh my god, how do you guys do this!? My hands are all cramped up!" Atsumu asked, shaking out his hands. "How long have you guys been at it?" Sakurai asked.

"Uh... an hour." Osamu answered. Atsumu picked up the instrument and tried playing again. "No wonder your hands are cramping, both your bow hold and posture are trash." Someone said as they were leaving the music room, wincing as they looked at Atsumu's hands. 

They had (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and were fairly tall. Atsumu seemed to recognize them.

"Oh, um... (L/n), right?" He asked. The student nodded as they walked over to us. "So, would you volleyball players care to tell me why you guys are here?" They asked, peeking at the music on the stand.

"Twinkle twinkle little star? Are you going to learn that without knowing the notes and finger positions or do you already know them?" (L/n) asked.

Atsumu look at them, confused. "Finger positions?" He asked. Sakurai started laughing as if finger positions were the most obvious thing ever.

"There are specific places on the string you press down on and it makes a certain note. If you're off by a bit, the note noticeably changes." He said, pointing to Atsumu's left hand on the strings.

Atsumu looked at where Sakurai was pointing. "How do I know where to put my fingers?" He asked. "I have muscle memory, but you have to learn." Sakurai answered.

He began shifting Atsumu's hand position around and making him sit up straight.

"You need to sit properly first before trying to play." He said, adjusting Atsumu's hand on the stick thing.

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